Mass confusion

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3rd person POV:

Flying through the air after leaping extremely high in the sky, a completely dazed and angered Shinji was making his way to Germany, believing that was where his clone was.

His eyes lids became heavy as his consciousness began to fade.

"If you wish to continue, perhaps you should play some music to keep yourself awake?"

Not sure whether that was Kaworu or a hallucination created by his delirious state, Shinji nevertheless agrees.

Taking out his Walkman and the "Motivation" cassette, Shinji plays the first song.

But the volume was higher than he had prepared for, leading him to toss the Walkman, accidentally turning on his speaker.

(Meanwhile with Asuka and Rei)

Continuing to glare at the flying vessel stationary in the air, the two received a transmission from headquarters.

Misato:(coms) Asuka, Rei, do you copy?

Asuka: Yeah, what's up?

Misato:(coms) There's been an incident on our side.

Rei: Do you require us to return?

Misato:(coms) No, we need you to stop Shinji.

Asuka: What do you mean?

Misato:(coms) Long story short, several N2 mines were dropped onto him. He's pretty delirious and heading your way.


Asuka: Uhhh... O...kay....? How delirious are we talking?

The two began hearing music in the distance.



Unit 01 was then seen nose-diving into the enemy aircraft.

Asuka: Bat shit delirious, got it.

The two disconnect from their Umbilical cables and dash towards the aircraft.

(Opening theme)

(Motivation cassette song 1#)


Nose diving through the U.S Eva aircraft, Shinji causes the vessel to fall onto his head.

Shinji: Ugh...

The loud music was nice but irritating for his still sensitive ears.

Nevertheless, Shinji attempted to catch the Vessel, only for Unit 00 and 02 to run by and drag him out of the crash zone of the massive ship.


Landing heavily into the ground, the Eva trio barely escape from under it.

Now with the enemy ship down, Asuka and Rei took a look at Unit 01, to find its F-type armor was either destroyed or melted onto the Eva.

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