You cannot kill this

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3rd person POV:

Misato: Shinji? Shinji what happened?

She vaguely hears her name being called out through the phone.

Misato: Someone, get me a visual on Shinji!

The Magi began searching for Shinji, only capable of locating his phone on the sidewalk and a bit of his arm.

Drones were then sent to that blind spot in the camera system. There they found, Shinji bleeding out on the ground.


Misato: Send a medical team! Now!

As everyone scurries to get Shinji to the hospital, Maya arrives with her own news.

Maya: Commander, there's an issue.

Misato: Not, now, Shinji is-


Misato: What the hell shook us?!

Maya: The issue I need to bring up. Unit 01 woke up, it's digging its way up.

She looks at the bleeding Shinji.

Maya: And I think we all know to who it's digging up to.


Out of the streets of Tokyo-3, Unit 01 busted through the ceiling of the launch tube that Eva's pop out of.

Crawling up to Shinji, Unit 01 exchanged glances with his pilot.

Unit 01: This will not be the end... We've yet to evolve...

Picking Shinji up, Unit 01 places him into its Entry Plug. The two synchronize, the wounds on their stomach, heal almost instantly.

Unit 01 leaps into the air, heading straight towards the Zombie Eva's, giving off a subtle hint of wanting to get infected by them.

(Opening theme)

Upon arriving in front of the hoard of undead Evangelions, the team immediately got contacted by Misato.

Misato:(coms) We have a major issue!

Asuka: Jesus Christ. What now?

Misato:(coms) Shinji got stabbed, causing Unit 01 to somehow awaken.

Misato:(coms) We now believe he's on his way to you.

Asuka: WHAT!?

Rei: What's Shinji's condition?

Maya:(coms) The wound has healed, however, he has already lost a lot of blood, he's in a daze.

Shinji's image appears on their screens. He was slumped over, with shallow breath.

Toji: Shinji! Are you okay?!

Asuka: He was stabbed and picked up by a monster, what do you think!?

Kensuke: Can he hear us?

Shinji: Keep it...away...from them...he...he wants to...



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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Evangelion WarsWhere stories live. Discover now