A world wide conflict

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3rd person POV:

Through their own intelligence and the nations simply declaring it, NERV Japan found out many other countries had their own Evangelions.

Russia, China, England, Africa, South America, Canada, and several other countries.

All of which had declared to join the U.S in this war.

China and Russia had actually joined forces to help mass-produce more cybernetic Eva's rather than organic with restraints.

Misato:... This has to be a bluff. There's no way they'd have enough pilots for all of those.

Maya: If that clone of Shinji was behind all of this, he might have access to all the Eva-related project data.

Maya: Including the Dummy plug system. If not the mass production Eva's themselves.

Misato: Luckily, NERV Germany is on our side. Including every country not on the side of the U.S.

Maya: Which is every country without an Eva. I'm afraid they might be expecting something from us.

Misato: Have you discussed with the German branch about any modifications to our Eva's?

Maya: They say they're already in the works of creating what I've sent them, including having some kind of surprise for us.

Misato: And our extra Eva's?

Maya: They're in the works of being battle-ready. The only issue is the pilots.

Misato:... Unit 03 might already have one... That leaves Unit 05...

Maya: I'll look for potential candidates.

(Opening theme)


Chris entered the office of Shinji's clone who faced away from him with a voice changer on.

Chris: The mission is complete sir...

Shinji?: Please, call me... Yn.

Chris: O-okay. Umm... Yn. Are you sure this is the best idea to have my sister infiltrate the enemy's home?

Yn: The only issue I have with her being there, is that she might go off prematurely.

Yn: Hopefully, she'll wait until people have forgotten about her, then strike.

Yn: But with her and Steve no able to operate on the field any time soon, you'll have to pick up the slack.

Chris: A-are you sure I can do that?

Yn: What you need to do is simple. Kill whoever I point at. Anything more is up to you.

Chris: Understood...

(NERV Japan)

Toji watched the reconstruction of Unit 03 with heavy feelings.

The commander approached from behind. Standing beside him against the railing.

Misato: I'm sorry to ask this... After what happened last time... And with all my talk about how we'd soon never need these anymore... But-

Toji: I'll do it.

Misato:... Are you sure?

Toji: Yeah... I thought getting used to these new limbs would be hard, but they were pretty easy.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Evangelion WarsWhere stories live. Discover now