Vengeance of the dead

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3rd person POV:

Shinji: Zzzz...

(Ring, ring)

Shinji: Hmmm...

(Ring, ring)

Clapping his pockets to find his phone, Shinji pulls it out and answers.

Shinji: Hello...?

Misato:(on phone) Shinji, get to HQ immediately. There's a serious problem.

Shinji: Of course there is...

Hanging up, Shinji pockets his phone.

Rei: Who was it?

Shinji: Misato... Apparently somethings wrong-

Opening his eyes, Shinji saw Rei looking down on him. Feeling the cool breeze, and something soft under his head, Shinji remembered where he was.

On a bench, using Rei's lap as a pillow.

Shinji: Crap, did I fall asleep here?

Rei: It's alright.


That was Rei's emergency message.

Shinji: Uhmm... Let's never speak of this moment vaguely to Asuka.

Getting up, Shinji and Rei rushed to NERV HQ.

Shinji:... Did I say anything in my sleep?

Rei: Simply nonsense... However, I did get the impression you were speaking to someone.

Shinji: Great...

Rei: It was quite cute.

Shinji:(sigh)... Great...

(Opening theme)

Kensuke, Toji, Hikari, Asuka, Rei, and Shinji arrived in NERV J HQ, responding to some type of emergency.

Asuka: So what's wrong now?

Misato: A few days ago there was a meteor shower. At first, we didn't think much of it, until we later learned that those meteors all landed in the grand canyon.

Shinji: Why am I getting bad vibes from this...?

Misato: Due to NERV U.S's state, we were too late to learn what the meteor shower did.

Hikari: What did it do?

Misato: It brought back to life the Eva's-

Shinji: That I killed...

Misato:... Yes. Show them.

A video began playing on a holographic screen, consisting of many people filming on their phones.

Misato: Be warned... It gets quite grotesque...

The video showed what could only be described as Zombie Evangelions.

Many were missing limbs, most of them were rotting and dragging along organs.

In Los Vegas, the Zombie Eva's began wrecking the city, as they all tried to eat as many people as possible.

It didn't take long for the Z-Eva's to destroy the city, killing most of its inhabitants.

Asuka: Oh what fuck!?

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