The home toll

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3rd person POV:

Misato: We can discuss damage cost and other compensations you want after I get my pilots and Eva back.

U.S Commander:(coms) You may have the other two pilots, however, Shinji Ikari will pay for-

Misato: Nothing! As an Eva pilot, he is exempt from paying any damages done during a battle against an Angel.

U.S Commander:(coms) He destroyed my Eva and placed its pilot into surgery!

Misato: We both know he didn't do that on purpose!

U.S Commander:(coms) He still ran.

Misato: I would have told him to do the same!

Misato: Now I don't know if you're trying to get Unit 01 or are simply an asshole!

Misato: But we have rules for such circumstances! And you, are not abiding by them!

Misato: Now you will stop whatever it is you are doing to disrupt my contact with Unit 01.

Misato: And I will get them back. Don't make me come and take them.

U.S Commander:(coms) I'll do what I can.

The voice call ends.


Stomping away, Misato quickly makes her way to the Evangelion hanger, where Units 00 and 02 were submerged in an orange liquid known as LCL fluid.

This made things simpler for the technicians to perform small modifications.

On the coms, Misato called the chief scientist of NERV. Leading to the commander seeing a woman in a bathing suit walk away from the diving platform with a lab coat on.

(Chief Scientist: Maya Ibuki)

Once the assistant to Ritsuko, now her replacement, Misato trusted Maya almost as much as she did with Ritsuko

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Once the assistant to Ritsuko, now her replacement, Misato trusted Maya almost as much as she did with Ritsuko.

Maya: You wanted something Commander?

Misato: I need you to prepare something to get Unit 01 out of the U.S as quickly as possible.

Maya: What do you mean by quickly? Because Evangelion transportation takes some time.

Misato: I want a plane to fly by and pick up unit 01, then fly away.

Maya: Oh, so basically make the transportation process 99% faster. Great...

Misato: I know you have a jet in the works, just for such an occasion.

Maya:... Perhaps... But it's not ready to pick up an Eva.

Misato: Can it handle the weight?

Maya: Yes.

Misato: Then just give it a handle for it to grab onto.

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