Cause and effect

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3rd person POV:

Detained a spare restroom for NERV officers, Yn waited for the inevitable arrival of Misato, who if on cue, entered the room.

Yn: Could you be a little faster next time? I'm a busy man, with much to do.

Misato: Like to make another Eva sentient?

Yn: Ooooh, aggressive. Did I make mommy mad?


Yn: But in all honesty, I had nothing to do with that. At best, you can say I aided in the awakening of what was already there.

Yn: That was a surprise to me as well.

Misato: Zombie Eva's were a surprise to me as well. How did you do it?

Yn: The Z-Eva's? Yeah, that wasn't me.

Misato: What are they?

Yn: You said it yourself. Zombie. Eva's. Self-explanatory really...

Misato: Do you know how they came to be?

Yn: Lilith. Chunks of her that broke off got caught in the atmosphere. There they were attracted by all the Eva corpses.

Yn: Slipping into them, creating life.

Misato: Life that's rotting before our very eyes.

Yn: The pieces that landed were from a rotting corpse, despite wanting to, Lilith is unable to fully heal those vessels.

Yn: That's perhaps why they hunger... They are trying to gain enough biomass to fix themselves only to rot what they get.

Yn: Constantly mutating to make up for that fact, only to become more unrecognizable...

Misato: Do you know how to cure it?

Yn: Cure it? Just kill them all.

Misato: Unit 01 has been infected.


Yn: T-That's really bad...

(Opening theme)

Handcuffed, Yn was brought to the lab where they were creating an antidote.

Yn: Okay everyone! Take what you've made and toss it away, it's useless.

Maya: How would you know? You haven't seen what we've made.

Yn: Don't have to. You're all trying to make a cure when you all need to make a weapon.

Maya: We need to make a cure to save Shinji.

Yn: How exactly are you going to cure a parasite? You need to kill it.

Yn: And I have a way to do that.


Yn: Longinus replication tech. We create replica spears to attack the parasite directly.

Maya: You want to stab Shinji?

Yn: Exactly! God girl, I'd give you a cookie if I had one.

Yn: Okay, the plan is clear to everyone, we've got to work double-time if we're going to make the deadline.

Ritsuko: Deadline?

The ex-chief scientist, Ritsuko Akagi arrived with a limp, as she was still getting used to her robotic limbs.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Evangelion WarsWhere stories live. Discover now