Chapter 1

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"Addilynn, I still don't get it." My friend Beth said for the fifth time. I was helping her with her Algabra II homework and it just wasn't going through her thick skull.

"You know what. That's okay, I'm gonna let you sleep on it and then we will talk about it tomorrow morning." I smiled.

"Okay, thanks Lynn." She hugged me.

"Your welcome," I said collecting my things. "Talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye." She said.

I walked out the door and down the stairs. I waved goodbye to her parents and walked out the door.

I began my walk home from her house. It wasn't the first time I had walked home in the dark before but this time it felt eerie and placid. I didn't like it.

It was almost like the whole nieghborhod was asleep which is never the case. There is almost always people out.

Of course as I'm realizing all of this, a thought pops in my head.

On the news there were stories of many kidnappings. There had been about twenty all in the same week. My mom was going apeshit about me walking anywhere but I didn't think that much of it until now.

My heart started beating against my chest fast and I began walking quicker. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard rustling in the bushes beside me. I swear I was about to pass out.

I looked inside the bush and saw a racoon. I let out a sigh of relief as I let my heart rate slow.

I turned around to keep walking when someone slammed their hand over my mouth and nose with what felt like a cloth. I began kicking and flailing my arms in hopes that someone would see me but my effort quickly slowed as my eyes became heavy and my body became limp.


I woke up in a dark room with only the dim light of a lamp in the corner of the room. Where am I?

Just then someone opened the door and walked in, lighting up the whole room with the flip of a switch.

"Put this on." The man threw a black sundress at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but he spoke before me, "Don't start with all that 'where am I?' 'who are you?' bullshit, okay? You will find out soon enough." With that he left.

I don't know why, but I wasn't scared. I wasn't sad or mad. I was confused.

I did what the man told me, figuring that if I didn't, I would get beat by his 6'4 frame and huge biceps.

The dress was short and came down low on the top. I didn't really like it, it was too showy.

It was almost as if he knew I was done changing. He opened the door and grabbed me roughly by the arm.

I was about to protest but then we got outside the door and I was on a stage. I was so confused.

I looked over at the man and was about to ask what this was when two other men came from behind and tied my hands behind my back and put a gag in my mouth.

The crowd looked oddly different. There were old wrinkly women, pale men and women, tan and toned men, and god-like women. They were not human, I could see it in their eyes. But what were they?

My eyes widened as the buff man started talking.

"This is Addilynn Way. She is 18 and has a rare blood type. The bidding starts at $50,000."

Wait what?! Is this an auction? For what? Is it me? Why do they need to know my blood type.

"$100,000!" Someone yelled. I look to see one of those old women.

"$200,000!" One of the other old women yelled.

"$300,000!" The first old women yelled.

Then they get cut off. "$1,000,000," One of the pale men said.

My eyes widen. 1 million?! For me?!

"1,000,000 going once... twice... SOLD!" The buff man yelled.

The men that were behind me pushed me off the stage were I'm sure my buyer is sure to take me.

About a minute after the people push me off, the guy is here to take me.

He has pale skin, toned body and red eyes. Very intimidating but also kind of sexy. Wait, what?! I did not just think that!

"Hey there, beautiful," He said cutting off the zip tie that bound my hands together. "Sorry, my love, but this has to stay." He said talking about my gag.

I melted at the sound of his voice, it was husky and irresistible. What am I talking about?! This guy just bought me!

But what if he's nice? I don't know! I don't want to know! I just want to go home!

I felt tears prick at my eyes but I refused to cry in front of this man.

"Come on, I'm going to explain some things to you in the car."

I followed him hoping thay if I got outside, I could find out where we were.

But I didn't get to see, he threw a bag over my head at the last second and I was blind.

He took my arm and pulled me to his car. Once inside, he started the engine and we started our journey to somewhere.

"I'm Kace, but you will refer to me as Master. I know you are wondering what the fuck you just saw in there so I'm going to tell you.

"There is alot you don't know about this world. There are witches, werewolves, vampires (like me), and many more. All the ones you have heard about in those fairytales are real."

I was in shock. Was he telling the truth. I'm going with yes because that was the best explaination for all of that.

"Witches will use you for experiments. Werewolves will use you for food and/or sex, same with the vampires."

What?! That's what he is using me for?! I think I'm going to be sick.

"While you live with me you will have chores. You won't have too much at first, you will just wake me up in the mornings and bring me breakfast. Eventually you will do more, but not yet."

I felt the car come to a stop and the bag was taken off.

"We're here." He said and took off the gag. I coughed and then looked at him.

"Any questions?" He asked.

Surprisingly I only had two and I wasn't afraid to ask, "Well since you're a vampire, what can you do?" I asked.

"We can read minds, compell you to forget something or remember it, and we're very fast."

"How old are you?"

"Well, I stoped aging at 21, but I'm 415 years old."

My eyes widened.

"Is that all?"

I just nodded.

"You're different." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're so calm, you're not struggling or trying to get away. Why?"

I realized that too. I honestly don't know why, "Maybe it's because you haven't given me a reason to." Did I seriously just say that?! I guess it was true though.

He just smiled and we stepped out of the car. I stared in awe at the huge mansion.


Okay so I hope you liked it!

Some things might be confusing at first but they will all get explained later in the story.

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