Chapter 12

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~Jeremiah's P.O.V.~ ;)

I couldn't wait any longer to take Addilynn away from my dear brother, Kace. I was so close to taking her the first time, oh so close. But, I had to leave some suspense. I had to keep him on his toes. Just like I did last time.

Catlin was devine, she was truely an amazing servant. I almost feel bad for killing her. But we all know my brother can't be happy if he chooses an untrustworthy human over me.

I chuckled at my own devious plans and walked out of my house.

I headed for Kace's mansion which wasn't far. I arrived in a couple minutes with my vampire speed.

I knocked on the door, knowing I would get no answer. I smiled and picked the lock, "Oh, my sweet Addilynn. Here I come, my darling." I whispered as I walked in.

~Kace's P.O.V.~

I woke up with an uneasy feeling. Like someone was watching me. I opened my eyes and looked straight into the eyes of the devil himself.

"Well, hello, brother. It's about time you wake up." He smiled and walked around the bed. I tried to get up but chains around my arms and legs held me down.

I immediately looked to my side. Addilynn wasn't there, "Where the hell is she? You sick bastard."

He placed a hand over his heart in mock saddness, "I'm hurt by your cruel words." He pouted as he leaned against the wall.

"I swear, if you hurt her, I will kill you." I growled, my anger raising fast.

"Ah, ah, ah." He said shaking his pale boney finger at me, "You don't even know where your precious Addilynn is." The smile on his face was so full of confidence, like he was proud of himself.

"Where the hell is she?" I yelled, pulling against the chains as hard as I could. I had so much anger, I felt like I was going to explode.

"I suggest you use a nicer tone with me." He smiled.

I took in a calming breath, "Fine, where is she, Jeremiah?" I asked, my eyes closed and my teeth clenched in anger.

"I don't know," he said and my eyes shot open and I sent a deadly glare his way. He laughed at my anger and continued, "She's here with you, brother." He said.

I looked at him in confusion, what was he talking about?

"What are you-" but I didn't get to finish my sentence. A soft, scared voice interupted me.

"K-Kace?" Addilynn asked, her voice scared and shaky. I pulled against the chains, hard.

"Let her go, she did nothing to you!" I yelled.

"Kace." She said again, this time her voice clear and full of fear.

I could tell she was at the foot of the bed because Jeremiah glared right at her, "Shut up." He barked.

"Don't talk to her like that!" I yelled.

He smiled at me, loving the torture this was causing me.

"Kace, please just make it stop." She cried. I could tell that Jeremiah had done something to her.

"You son of a bitch, what have you done to her?" I hissed.

"Do you not like when she is in pain?" He smiled.

I saw him step closer to her and swing his hand down. I heard the smack of his hand across her presious face. I heard her scream and I snapped inside.

I struggled harder against the chains. My anger consumed me.

Suddenly the door flew open and Casey walked in. Her eyes landed on Jeremiah and her eyes widened in fear, "Casey. Leave." I ordered.

"No, no, no. Not so fast." He looked her in the eyes. "Come here, beautiful." He said.

She complied easily, never leaving his eyes. The son of a bitch was using compulsion.

"My sweet Casey. Your sister was amazing. I'm sorry but I will not be needing to check your potential." He said and I knew what he was going to do.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" I yelled.

"Don't worry, I won't even touch her." He smiled looking at me.

"No." I growled. He was going to do it, he really was going to stoop that low.

He looked back into Casey's eyes, "Now, my love, snap your neck." The words traveled out of his mouth icily.

All I heard was Addilynn's screams and cries. Casey's hands went to her head and she made a snapping motion.

I yelled with Addilynn. Casey fell lifeless to the ground.

Jeremiah smiled at me, "I should probably go, you have some cleaning up to do. I'll be back." He said then ran off.

I used all my stength from my anger and broke the chains and ran to Addilynn and broke her ropes.

She was shaking violently, her eyes wouldn't leave Casey's corpse. Tears spilled from her eyes but she made no noise.

"Addilynn. Addilynn, look at me. Look at me." I said.

She reluctantly looked at me and crumpled in my arms. I got her out of that room as soon as I could.

I took her to her room and laid her down, she was still shaking.

I kissed her forehead, "I'll be right back, love." I said.

She shook her head violently, "No, no," she sobbed, "You can't leave me alone." She cried.

"I have to love, I will be right back. I promise." I gave her one last kiss on the forehead and hurried to my room.

I walked to Casey and hunched over her. I picked her up, her eyes were still open. I gently closed them. "I'm so sorry." I whispered to her.

I carried her outside, the sun was starting to rise. I knew Jeremiah was gone now, he couldn't stand the sun.

I knew it wasn't much, but I dug a hole and I burried her. I put a makeshift tombstone at the head of the grave.

"I'm so, so sorry." I said again and placed flowers on her grave.

I would tell the girls about it when they woke up. I would let them pay their respects.

I ran back inside to Addilynn, she was asleep now. Passed out from exaustion. I kissed her forehead and laid down beside her. Holding her close.

Aww. How can Jeremiah be so heartless?! I can't believe he actually killed Casey! What am I creating?!

*sniffles* Anyway, please comment and vote Loves!


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