Chapter 10

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~Addilynn's P.O.V.~

Kace was in his office for a long time and the longer he stayed there the more uneasy I got.

I was so tempted to get up and walk to his office. The fear pounding through me was getting too strong.

I finally let out a loud sigh and ripped off the covers. He had been in his office for five hours and my heart wouldn't stop pounding. My mind kept coming up with different things that could happen if Jeremiah came through the door.

I walked out the door and down the hall to his office. I knocked softly on the door, trying not to disturb him as he worked.

"Come in." I heard him said. He sounded stressed and a little uneasy.

I slowly opened the door and walked in, he turned to me, at first there was a glare on his face but then he saw me and his features softened, "Love, what are you doing up?" He asked.

"I'm scared." I said pathetically. I hated sounding vulnerable.

"Come here." He said standing up and and walking closer. I ran into his arms and took in his strong scent, it wrapped around me, making my feel safe, "What are you scared of, love?" He asked.

I sighed, "When I'm in your room, alone, all I do is think about all the horrible things that could happen." I say lightly.

"I'm almost finished, how about you lay down on my couch while I finish." He suggests.

I nodded but didn't pull away just then. I gave one last squeeze and walked to the couch. I laid down and Kace smiled at me. He walked to me and kneeled down, my eyes already starting to droop, I didn't realize how tired I had been until then. He kissed my forehead and my eyes closed, "Sweet dreams, love." That was the last thing I heard before falling into a dark sleep.

I was tied up to a bed, a gag wrapped around my mouth, stopping me from screaming.

I looked around, frantically looking for any sign of where I was, but there was none. I struggled against the restraints as someone walked in. They were standing in the shadows, all I could see was that horrible red glow of their eyes. It was a vampire.

"Ah, love, stop struggling, you won't get out anytime soon." The wicked voice that spoke, I knew that voice- no, it couldn't be.

My eyes widened, he would never do this. I tried to scream against the gag, tears spilling out of my eyes.

Suddently he stepped out of the shadows and I saw that face, that face of an angel trapped in a devils body.

Kace walked to me, a wicked grin spread across his face. One that didn't belong to him.

"Oh how I have waited for this moment." He said, and brushed his lips on my neck. I almost moaned at the sensational touch of his soft lips on my skin. But that feeling was replaced with sheer pain as he sunk his teeth into my neck.

I screamed and grabbed my neck as I shot up from the couch, tears spilling out of my eyes.

It's wasn't real, it's not real. I kept telling my self. But it felt so real, it felt like he was really touching me, really talking to me.

I snapped back to reality as Kace began to shake me, "Addilynn." He spoke with a worried voice, "What were you dreaming about?" He asked, once he realized I was back.

More tears spilled out of my eyes but I made no sound, I was in a shock. How could my mind come up with that?!

"You were like your brother. You tried to kill me." I said simply. I still didn't make a sound, I just let the tears fall.

He wrapped his arms around me, I did the same. His touch was like magic, just like that I started sobbing.

"Oh my, love. I'm so sorry." He said, lightly petting my hair.

When I stopped crying we pulled away and he looked at me, I couldn't look him in the eye, "You know I would never do that to you, right?" He asked.

Honestly, I didn't know how I felt. It had felt so real, but I nodded to give reassurance.

I didn't look at him in fear that I would break down again. Kace was a thing in my nightmares, he was the monster under every kid's bed, there was no avoiding that.

But when I decided to look at him he had the aura of an angel, not a monster. I was so confused, I didn't know what to think. But I felt I knew what to do.

Something about the way he looked at me, the way he held me, touched me, talked to me. I wanted him to touch more of me. I wanted to touch him. Suddently I found my self touching his hair, his silky, dark hair. My mouth was just inches away from his. We were so close I could feel his hot breath fan over my face.

His hands found their way to my hips and as if that was a trigger, I closed the spaced between us in a kiss. The kiss wasn't rough but it wasn't gentle either. It was a tension reliever for us both.

I hadn't really known I was holding in these feelings for him. Yeah, I knew he was someone I could trust to protect my life at times. But deep down, I never really knew I had these feelings for him until I took the time to search for them.

He pushed me down on the couch, claiming dominance in the kiss as his tongue slid in my mouth. His hands traveled my body as mine tangled his silky hair.

Suddently he pulled away, I almost whimpered at the disconnect but then I felt his lips lightly brush my neck, just like in my dream, but this time, I knew he wouldn't bite me. I trusted him.

I couldn't hold back a slight moan as he placed steamy kisses all the way up my neck, tracing my jaw then going back to my lips.

He ripped off his shirt and I smiled as I traced every ab. The muscles of his stomach flexed at each one of my light touches.

He slowly pulled away, breathing heavily, like me.

He leaned his forehead to mine, "You have no idea the effect you have on me." He sighed, his breath shaky, as if he was nervous.

I placed my hand on his face, finding myself getting lost in his features as my fingers traced every inch.

"You're so perfect." I finally said in such a small and light voice only he- with his acute hearing- could hear it.

With our foreheads still touching I closed my eyes tight as he touched my faced gently. I took in his captivating smell as he spoke, "Addilynn, my love, nobody's perfect. Everyone has their flaws, their ticks, their weaknesses. You have only yet to discover one of my weaknesses." He said and got up, leaving me on the couch. He put his shirt back on.

He picked me up, bridal style, my eyes never left his face as he carried me to his room.

I suddenly found myself asking, "What is your weakness?" He set me down and smiled at me.

"You." He said simply and kissed my forehead, "You, love, are my weakness."

Holy crap! I'm proud of this chapter! I have been waiting forever to finally get them together!

Anyway, what do yall think, are y'all happy they are kinda, sorta a thing now?

Please Vote and Comment what ya think!

Thx Loves!


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