Chapter 11

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Please listen to Like Real People Do by Hozier as you read the first part!! It goes along so perfectly!! :)

ATTENTION: Addilynn's P.O.V. gets steamy ;) But nothing more than a heated makeout session :)

Addilynn's P.O.V.

I smiled at him as he laid down beside me on the bed. He smiled at me and it was like something flared up inside me.

Suddently I was on top of him, my hair serving as a curtain as I looked down at him. His smile never faltered as I brought my lips down to his and wrapped his arms around my waist.

My hands immediately ripped off his shirt, no use in wasting time. I couldn't stop smiling into the kiss, it was impossible.

In between kisses he said, "Oh how I've waited for this moment."

I froze, I pulled away from him. That's exactly what he said in my dream before he tried to kill me. But I thought I could trust him. I do trust him. But those words, that dream, they felt so real.

"Love," he looked at me, concerned, "What's wrong?" He asked. Suddenly his lips moved to my neck and it was just like my dream.

An overwhelming pleasure coursed through me as he kissed my neck. I tilted my head to the side, allowing him more access. I had forgotten about my dream just as fast as I had thought about it.

He flipped us over, him now on top of me. His hands were on either side of my head, his lips connected to mine.

I found myself giggling. I had thought about the first day I met him, how much I hated him, hated that I was taken. Now I was making out with him, loving his touch.

Some would say it's Stockholm Syndrome but it's not. Kace hasn't treated me like a prisoner, he hasn't really treated any of them like a prisoner.

He saved me from the witches and werewolves that only wanted me for my life, I wouldn't have lasted nearly as long with them as I have with him.

I continued to kiss him, realizing only then that my shirt had been removed. His hands now rubbing my sides, coming closer and closer to my chest with each slight stroke.

No one has ever touched me like this, no one has ever seen me like he sees me. He was different.

His hands were now on my back, his fingers playing with the clasp. A spark of fear flashed through me. Was I really going to let him do this?

Before I could react the clasp had already been undone and my bra was coming off. I let out a little gasp and he understood.

He left a trail of steamy kissed down my neck and to my chest. I let out a slight moan as he places the last kiss right in the middle.

He was coming back up to my lips when there was a knock at the door. Kace groaned, he covered me up with the sheets and flashed to the door.

It was Casey, "Is Addilynn okay?" I heard her ask.

"Yeah, she is getting some rest." He lied.

"Okay, well I was just checking up on her." She said and Kace shut the door.

He came back to me and laid down beside me. He placed his hand on my cheek, "You really should get some rest, love." He said and gave a light smile.

I frowned but nodded, "Can you hook my bra back?" I asked, sitting up, my back facing him.

"Of course." He said.

I picked up my hair and moved it out of the way. I could feel his cold fingers cool off my skin as he clasped my bra and raised the bra straps.

Before laying back down, he placed a gentle kiss on my neck. I smiled and fell back to the bed.

"Good night, love." He smiled.

"Good night." I smiled.


Kace's P.O.V.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Addilynn was so amazing, so smart, so beautiful, so kind. I don't know how my brother could be so cold, so heartless.

Just the thought of him drove me insane. The anxiety was eating me up, I was waiting impatiently for his next attack, I wanted to kill the son of a bitch. He has done nothing but ruin my life, now he was trying to do it again.

Once my thoughts died down I slept and had a dream, a dark one at that.

I was standing in the shadows in a room. I was staring at Addilynn, tied down to the bed, a gag in her mouth. Nothing but fear spead across her beautiful face.

I stepped out of the shadows and tried desperately to get to her side and comfort her but then I realized that I was the thing she was afraid of. This was Addilynn's nightmare.

I suddenly realized that my brother was projecting this in her head, trying to get her to distrust me. It didn't work though. It only brought us closer together.

I woke up and I could tell it was early in the morning, about the same time I wake up every other morning.

I looked over to a peacefully sleeping Addilynn. I smiled at her and got up, trying desperately not to disturb her. I walked over to my dresser and threw on a shirt. Then I decided that I would walk downstairs to get some breakfast.

Once I got down there, I saw everyone was chatting amongst themselves. But when I got in, all talk stopped.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a blood bag. I emptied it before getting a plate of food for Addilynn. As I walked out, I looked back at them, "You may continue." I said and immediately the chatter started.

I smiled and walked up to Addilynn's room. I set the plate on the side table, so it would be ready for her when she woke up.

I walked to my tinted window and looked outside. The sun was shining bright, but it still wasn't enough to bug me through the tinted glass.

I loved the look of the nature around this house. Seeing it reminded me of my old passion for painting. It was tempting but I wasn't really in the mood to paint just yet. I wanted to wait until I had nothing to worry about except Addilynn's well-being. I had to worry about my brother coming and attacking. I had too much to prepare for, too much to plan to paint.

I let out a sigh and walked back to the bed where Addilynn was still peacefully sleeping.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and laid down next to her, turning on the tv.

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