Chapter 2

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~Kace's P.O.V.~

The auction was getting boring, there were no good humans being displayed. Most of them were too fat or too thin, none of them were the perfect size.

I was about to leave when they brought her out. Her name was Addilynn, she had beautiful forest green eyes and her body was perfectly tan. Her long raven black hair matched the black sundress she was wearing.

I knew I had to get her before the old hags did. All they would do is use her until she dies. Not me, I want her for other things. Not just sex, I want her for more than that. Something about her made me want to protect her and keep her safe. I have never felt this way about any of my other slaves. They are all used to feed off of and to please me in other ways.

Once I out bid the hags I paid and ran over to her. She was still tied up so I cut the restraints on her arms but left the gag on. I had some things I wanted to explain first.

Once we were at the house I took off the bag and gag. She was surprisingly calm the whole time. She was different, at least for now. I would really hate to have to punish her.

~Addilynn's P.O.V.~

We walked up to the tall mansion and he walked inside, me right behind him.

There were about a dozen girls all lined up waiting by the door. They looked all my age or older. There was only two that looked to be about 13 or 14.

Now it was getting weird. What the hell did he have 13 year olds for?!

"Girls, this is Addilynn," Kace said.

He gave a waving motion and just like that they were turning out of the room. He has so much power over these girls. I don't like it.

"Follow me Addilynn." I obeyed.

He took me to what looked like a study. Bookshelves full of books lined the walls.

He sat down on one of chairs. "Come sit, I have someone coming to show you to your room. But in the meantime I want you to feel free to ask any questions."

I looked around the room but the only chair there was the one he was sitting on. "I think I'll just stand," I said walking to the book shelf.

I looked at one that was titled Greek Mythology. I picked it up and examined its worn leather cover. I looked up at Kace, "Um, can I look at this?" I asked. I felt weird asking that. I mean he kind of kidnapped me. But I wouldn't let that get in the way of me finding out more about all of this. Yes I know vampires aren't greek mythology but I still want to look.

He nodded giving me a crooked smile.

There is a desk so I plop down on it and open the book to examine its thin pages.

There is information about all the gods and goddesses. I love Athena, she is my favorite goddess. The goddess of intelligence. From what I know about Kace he reminds me of Erebus. God of darkness and shadow.

I jumped when a pair of cold hands were placed on my shoulders. "Sorry," He whispered in my ear.

It was oddly pleasing. What is this man doing to me?!

"Have you heard of Aphrodite?" He whispered as he started rubbing my shoulders. I moved my neck in pleasure.

I shivered at his voice. I know exactly who she is. She is the goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality, and pleasure. Why would he mention her?

"Yes," I answered.

"So then you know what she is the goddess of." He whispered in the other ear.

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