Chapter 13

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~Addilynn's P.O.V.~

I woke up and turned to face Kace. I almost smiled at his presence but then the events of last night came flooding back. I began to cry.

Images of Casey's lifeless body, just laying there, nothing in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around Kace and began to cry on his shoulder.

He woke and immediately wrapped his arms around me, not even completely waking up before comforting me.

He sat up and held me, gently rubbing my back.

"She's gone." I sobbed, "I-I saw it h-happen." I cried harder.

"Shh, it's going to be okay."

I wish I could believe that. I really wish I could. "We need to tell the others." He spoke gently.

I only nodded. I knew I would go with him because I didn't want to be left alone.

I got up but wrapped the comforter around me, finding it's warm hug around me comforting.

Kace wrapped his arms around me and we walked down to the kitchen were they were all waiting. Their faces were full of worry and I broke down again, they only grew more worried.

I hugged on to Kace and buried my face in his chest.

"What happened? Where's Casey?" Asked Kat. I didn't have to look to see it was her. I only let out a sob, hoping Kace would hurry up and get this over with. I gripped on tight to his shirt as the images came back in my head.

"Last night, my brother came by. He killed her." He said, I knew he was trying to sound as kind and considerate but it didn't come as easy for them as it did for me.

I could hear Kat's screams and sobs along with Abigail's. I also heard the other girls trying to comfort them. I couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much, their sobs, their screams for her to come back.

"Kace," I whispered, knowing he would hear me, "P-Please get me o-out of here." I cried.

He flashed us outside, right in front of a makeshift grave. Casey's, I realized.

He tried, I could tell. Casey did mean something to him. The guilt of her dead was eating him up, I could see it. Especially with the girls reactions.

He had placed flowers on her grave, a sign of respect. I slowly let go of him, holding the comforter wrapped around me even tighter as I walked to get some wild flowers. I placed them of her grave and whispered, "I'm sorry."

I walked back to the comfort of Kace's arms. We walked back inside and Kace told the rest of the girls about the grave for Casey. We all went out there and had a makeshift funeral for her. Everyone was impacted by her death. She played a big part in all of their lives.

We all wore the black dresses and laid wild flowers on her grave and paid our respects. Kace told everyone that there would be nothing to do for the rest of the week. He gave them time to mourn the loss of someone close to them.


When it had been about a week after the attack and Casey's death, Kace was still on edge about his brother coming back.

I tried to comfort him but I had a hard time comforting myself. We both took turns comforting each other. Each time he would say everything was okay I believed him, his words were my safe place.

I was currently laying in the bed. It was morning and we were just staring into each others eyes, no words were spoken but the silence spoke a million words. The way he looked at me with nothing but comfort in his eyes made me want to snuggle closer to him but I got up instead. I wanted to go down and get some breakfast.

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