Chapter 6

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~Kace's P.O.V.~

Addilynn was wrapped around me when she fell asleep and I couldn't help but smile, she was so cute.

What is she doing to me? I would never feel this way about any of my other slaves. But I guess that's the thing. I don't really want Addilynn to be my slave. She is different.

I didn't realize it was already seven until Casey came to the door.

"Master-" she said and immediately her eyes got huge and she turned around, "I didn't mean to interrupt." I could hear her smile.

I just rolled my eyes, "She fell asleep like this. Her wound had gotten infected and I helped her. She wrapped her self around me and fell asleep." I explained.

She nodded in understanding but didn't wipe the smirk off her face.

I swiftly pried Addilynn off of me, careful not to wake her and walked out of the room.

"Casey, today how about all of you just take a day off. You have worked a lot these past days and you need the rest." She smiled up at me and wrapped her arms around me.

I was stiff at first but then wrapped my arms around her. She pulled away and immediately apologized, "I'm so sorry Master, just THANK YOU!" She yelled and ran down the hall.

I smiled, I guess I would be happy too if I had gotten my first day off in three years.

I walked down to my study and I looked over to what Addilynn was so fixed on when I found her here.

I walked up to the desk and looked at the book. It was my Greek Mythology book, it was open to the picture of Hercules. I can only imagine that in her buzz from the infection that her favorite picture was this one.

I had to admit, she did have good taste in things to study in. I had always loved Greek Mythology. By the looks of Addilynn I would assume her to be Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality, and pleasure. But getting to know her and discovering her personality, obviously hidden from the open eye, I discovered she was more like Athena, goddess of intelligence and wisdom.

My train of thought was interrupted when Katherine, one of my servants, and Sally walked in.

"Master Kace?" Sally's sweet innocent voice rang in my ears.

"Yes." I answered looking at her.

"Addilynn's awake, Casey needs you to come check on her wound. Addilynn won't let Casey touch it, she says it hurts too much." Katherine answered for her.

"Okay, I'll be up there in a minute." I told them. Before I went up there I took the book and put it back in it's rightful place.

I then went to Addilynn's room and found Casey trying to coax her and calm her down. She was crying, yelling that the pain was too much. I ran to her side and gently pushed Casey away. She looked relieved that I was there and that she didn't have to try to calm her down any more. her attempts were failing.

"Addilynn," I spoke softly and I made her look me in the eyes, "I'm going to help, just try to stay calm." I said and I didn't hesitate to rip off the bandages.

She let out a cry in pain and I ignored it as I fixed it. All I had to do was put more medicine on the bite to help calm the raging infection. She screamed and squirmed under my strong hold but she didn't affect my work.

Once I was finished I threw away the old bandages and applied some new ones. With all of her blood I felt my self getting thirsty.

"Casey, keep an eye on her. I will be back." I said and flashed out of the room and into the kitchen.

I went to the fridge and pulled out some blood. I drank one full bag and knew that was all I needed. I had to keep my thirst under control.

Once my thirst faze was over, I walked back up to my room where Addilynn was resting.

Before I could walk in, I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at the caller ID. It was my brother.

I sighed and answered the call, "Hello?"

"Hey Kace."

"What do you want Jeremiah?" I growled.

"Why the hell did you do that to me when I was feeding?" he asked.

"You touched my stuff, so I punished you," I put it simply.

"I will get you back, brother. You won't get away with this."

"Go ahead and try," I taunted.

I hung up before my good-for-nothing brother could let out another word.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket and walked back into my room.

Addilynn was starting to fall asleep so I told the girls to get out and let her have her space.

Sorry for the short and boring chapter :/ I'm tired but I really wanted to finish this update and publish it. I was in a hurry and I was tired as I was typing this, srry again! :)

I hope it wasn't too boring :)

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