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Trishika's P.O.V:

-"Trish! What happened? Are you okay?"
Ritvik interrogated, longing at me.

-"Huh? Nothing. I am okay...yeah, nothing."
I replied, coming out of my trance as I tried to lie in front of him.

Because, no I wasn't okay.

-"Shut the fuck up, Trish! I know you are not okay. You look sad, alright? That's evident on your face..."
He said in an 'I'm so done with you' tone.

Well, he was right though. I wasn't okay and I was sad.

-"Then, why did you even ask me if I'm okay when you know I am not?"
I felt my eyes pooling up and sparkling bright with tears as I tried to change the topic of our conversation.

Ritvik sighed at my question.

-"Hey, you're changing the topic, aren't you? Just tell me already, what's the matter?"
Ritvik asked.

I am seriously in no mood to express anything, Rocky. Because I have no answer to your question...not right now atleast. I haven't been doing well lately. I guess, I really need a break from the fest organisation thing. May I have one?"
I asked him pleading; considering the fact that Ritvik being the head of the council, is required for me to take a permission in order to take a leave during such hectic days.

-"Ofcourse you can, Trish! You never require a special permission from me for doing that, you idiot!"
He replied, followed with a sigh and a long pause between us.

I chuckled in response.

-"Thankyou, Rocky."
I muttered.

-"You're welcome. See, I really don't get what made you this sad, because in all these years, I haven't ever seen you sadder. But, trust me, I would do anything to make you happy. And if taking a break helps you, I won't stop you. Go for it. I know, you'll come back stronger."
He said with a reassuring smile.

. . .

*5th December, 5:12 P.M.*

I threw myself on my bed, making it's mattress sink as I let out a heavy breath and stared at the blank ceiling of the room; my room.

My flight just landed two hours ago from Delhi and it took me a while to settle my stuff eversince I came here.

Well, since I decided to take a break from my chaotic life, I chose to spend this time with my family. And for that reason, here I was in Lucknow, my hometown.

I must say, ofcourse Delhi is playing a very important role in shaping my potential future, but Lucknow is home. The comfort of one's own home; the sense of happiness and safety with your loved ones around you, and moreover a place which gives vibes which are purely nostalgic is a different feeling. A good different feeling.

I was smiling at the thought of my ultra chaotic and over dramatic memories with my friends from my childhood when a notification broke my trance.

Meeting with Ajey in 30 minutes.

The notification read.

Uh, well yes. That's the problem with me. With regards to my past, I have permanently embedded the toxic hustle culture in myself. It has become a part of my personality, and the fact that without it I cannot truly be myself makes it even more hard for me to give upon this toxic habit of being overly workaholic even during my breaks. It's just who I am, and I guess, I am incomplete without it.

. . .

-"Okay then, I'll see you the next time."
That was the last thing he said before leaving the meeting.

I let out a sigh and laid back on my bed again.

Has he really forgotten me? Or is he just pretending?

Damn, goodness! I'll go insane!

Why is it always like when the whole story ends, we begin to feel it all?

. . .

Ajey's P.O.V:


She has changed so much. Hopefully, for the good.

I don't know what exactly happened that night. I was too young and naive to understand that, and probably she was too.

The pain. The tragedy. The trauma.

It was too unbearable.

Moreover, it was scary. Extremely scary for a seven year old me.

I don't really remember much about that night. Sure, I can remember my family shifting to Faridabad; my father's home town, from Lucknow when I was seven.

I do remember her crying face and the fire that surrounded the both of us. The loud; ear-piercing screams of people and the tears they shed that night were more than enough to build up a memory so horrific in the mind of a seven year old that even to this day, while I remember that night, I hear the screams, I hear the agonising swears of the torturous man who stood there, almost chopping her into pieces and I wasn't able to do anything. That shook me and it still does. So much that even while I narrate all that, I shiver as if that is still my reality.

Agonising; excruciating, horrifying, disturbing, extreme. All at once.

I remember how I stood there silently that hour, staring at the blank space, cursing my destiny, unaware about my future.

Weren't we too young for that? Too young to endure the pain?


~Tragedies are inevitable. They are like the infinite blank spaces in the universe - dark; horrifying and frightening. The only bright star in that blank space is you. You make my tragedies bearable and beautiful~


Ah, idk...I'm having a major writer block rn. And my exams and the regular mock tests are only acting as a cherry on the cake.

Wow, my life is so happening🕳️🚶🏻‍♀️

Lol bye🤡


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