Come back I still want you

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Harley sat in the jail cell beginning to cry, "Please let me go home! I'm sorry!" The guard looked at him, "Why should I?" "Because I have an amazing girlfriend and I need her... Please I love her more then I loved anybody." The guards looked at her, "You blew up a house and stole guns." Harley grabbed the bars and kicked the bars, "I'll pay you." She took out $300 and handed it to him, "Please?" "Maybe I'll think about it..."
Joker was laying in Bruce's arms as Robin was sleeping on the couch tired from playing video games all night. Joker held onto Bruce. Bruce slowly opened his eyes and kissed his head, "Good morning. How long have you been up?" "Since 4:45am." Bruce rubbed his head, "Are you okay?..." "I will be... I just need some time. Why did she do it?" Joker looked at him tearing up once again, "I'm not sure yet... But maybe talk to her yourself." Bruce wiped his tears slowly, "I just want to cuddle you... I'm still really hurt by what she did. I really hate her and not in a good way." Joker's voiced raised a bit as he was very hurt and upset. Bruce held him close, "Hey... Hey it's okay. Look at me, I'm right here for you... I'll make sure I'll get your house fixed... I promise." Joker nods slowly looking into his eyes, "You don't have to... I guess I'm just hurt it happened... But I can live with you now." Bruce nods a bit, "That's true... I love you Jack." Joker slowly smiled a bit, "I love you too Batsy... But do me a favor... Let her out of jail please she's not good alone." Bruce nods and kissed him, "Okay. Fine but if she does that to you again she's going back." Joker nods as Bruce got up using his bat voice and making a call to the prison.
Once Harley got out she ran home and knocked in the door, "Ivy I'm back! Red?" Poison Ivy opened the door and looked at her and hugged her tight, "You idiot! Don't ever do that sh*t again!" "I won't. I'm sorry." Harley looked at her hugging her yawning, "I missed you so much Ivy." "I missed you too Harley..." Ivy held her close picking her up and bringing her to the bedroom hearing her yawn, "Let's go relax okay? You've had a hard few days." She held the blonde close so she didn't drop her. Ivy laid down holding her close as Harley began to tear up, "I'm sorry... It was just like, like I lost it for a moment. I keep doing this! Why do I keep do this!" Ivy cupped her cheeks looking into her eyes, "Because you're hurt and probably scared for the future... But we're okay." Harley shivered taking deep breaths and hugging her tightly nodding. Ivy held her rubbing he head, "My sweet girl... Your okay. I'm here now."
Back at Bruce's house he was with Joker and cuddling with him to let him relax, "Why do you call me Batsy?" "Well you're Batman and I thought the same sounded sweet and cute... So I called you that ever since, Unless I'm serious or in a bad mood."

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