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The sun shined in the morning. It was shining directly into my face. But that didn't bother me. I got up and got ready for the day. I ran downstairs to my mother. She was holding a picture of my dad. This didn't happen very often but when she missed him she sometimes started crying and that was absolutely okay. I gave her a hug and started to eat breakfast.

My dad passed away when I was six years old. I couldn't remember him that well. One of the only things I remember was that he had big hands and was always nice to me. He called me his little mariposa.

After I ate breakfast I got up and made my way to the flower shop. My mother was the owner so I had to help her with the shop. I liked it very much. We had so many different flowers. Cattleya orchid and sunflowers and so many others. We didn't had much costumers but the ones we had always came back for more.

Today a young man came in. He was around my age.
"Hi, how can I help you?", I asked.
"Hello, my name is Agustín. I'm searching for a flower in a blue tone. I want to ask out that one friend of mine. Her name is Julieta.", he said. I showed him a few until he decided that these were the best.
"Good luck!", I said while he was leaving.
"Thank you!", he said. He looked so happy.

I asked my mother if I could have a break. She said yes so I got to my favorite spot in the encanto. The river. I laid down on the ground and closed my eyes. I tried to relax for a moment but somehow I felt like somebody was watching me. I opened my eyes and looked around. There was nobody there so I closed my eyes again. I almost fell asleep. I felt something on my nose. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful butterfly. It was completely white. I've never seen one like this. When the butterfly got into the sun its wings began to shimmer in a green tone.

As the butterfly flew away I realised I had to go back to the shop. My mother looked at me a little bit angry but she had costumers. I started to pour the flowers as the costumers left.
"Mi amor, why wasn't you here? I know I gave you a break but still. You had to be back in like five to ten minutes. I needed you here.", she said.
"I know mama. I'm sorry.", I said.
"Te quiero mucho, mi amor. You know that.", my mother said. I nodded. She gave me a kiss on the head.
"We have to close the shop now. It's getting dark.", she said. I finished pouring the flowers and left the shop. Not everyday was like this one. Sometimes her friend Angelina helped her but today she couldn't. So I had to help.

When I got back home I went into my room. I looked out the window and watched the sunset. At the Madrigals house there was Agustín with a girl and she was so happy about the flowers. I smiled. When they got into the house another man walked out. He was also around my age. He had something green on. That was the only thing I could see because it was far away from my window. He got into the village to the river so I decided to go to the river too.

I asked my mom and left. I was walking slowly because I didn't wanted to look nervous. I got over a bridge and to my favorite spot. I laid down again and looked at the stars. Suddenly some rats came to me.
"Oh hello you little cuties. What are you doing here?", I said with a high voice. Then I saw the same man that walked out of the madrigal house.
"Usually they are very shy.", he said.
"They don't seem shy to me.", I said with a smile.
"My name is Y/N. What's yours?", I asked.
"I- I'm Bruno.", he stuttered.
"That's a beautiful name.", I said.
"Thank you.", he said and looked away.
"Would you like to sit down?", I asked.
"Really?", he asked nervously.
"Yes. Why so surprised?", I asked.
"Normally people don't want to spend time with me or even talk to me.", he said and looked at the river.
"I'm so sorry about that but I would love to spend some time with you.", I said. He smiled and looked me in the eyes. But not for a long time. After like five seconds he looked away again. I could tell he was a shy person and wasn't used to it that a stranger talks to him or that anyone talks to him. That made me so sad.

We didn't talk that much. We just sat there and watched the rats and the river.
"I'm curious. Why are you here that late in the evening?", he asked.
What should I tell him??? 'I saw you coming out of your house and saw how you were getting to the river and I wanted to met you because I thought you were attractive?!?!?' No I couldn't say that. But I had to say something. I looked at him. He looked so interested. That made me kinda nervous.
"I just wanted to walk before going to bed.", I said. "What about you?"
"I wanted to escape my family. I love my family but sometimes it's so loud and I don't like that. I like being alone. Of corse I sometimes wished I had a friend but... I can't just... I don't know.", he said and looked away again. He looked at the rats and picked one up.
"Well, now you have one. If you want to of course.", I said.
"Really?", he said. He was so exited and had a little smile on his face but he tried to cover it up. "Yes.", I said and smiled at him. He smiled back.
"Would you like to go for a walk with me?", he asked.
"Yes, I would love to.", I said.

He held out his hand to help me stand up. I took them and stood up. His hands were so much bigger than mine. When I stood up we looked in each others eyes for a moment. I didn't even noticed that we were still holding hands. My heart was pounding in my throat. I looked at our hands and back to his eyes. So did he. We laughed and took our hands back. We started walking along the river.

"Earlier you mentioned that you were escaping your family. Who have you meant with family? I mean how many people.", I asked. after saying that I felt so embarressed. He started giggling.
"Ehm... I meant my two sisters and my mother.", he said and smiled at me. "What about you?"
"I just got my mother. I don't have any siblings.", I said. His smile faded.
"What happend to your father?", he asked.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to.", he said and looked at the ground.

"It's okay. I will tell you. My father died when I was six years old. He died of cancer.", I said.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. My sister may could have helped. She has the power to heal people with the food she makes.", he said.
"So your family members have superpowers?!?!", I asked.
"Yes, did you not know?", he asked. We stopped walking and looked at each other.
"No, I did not.", I said.
"So you really want to be friends with me?! I thought you just wanted to somehow come into the Madrigal house because of our powers and you were just interested in that. You really do want to be friends!!!", he said and had such a big smile on his face and jumped around and hugged me.

First I didn't know what just happend but then I returned the hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine. Then he got away after a little while.
"I- I'm so sorry.", he said and looked at the ground.
"No, it's alright. It's been a while since someone hugged me. I really enjoyed it. You're a good hugger.", I said. He smiled and blushed a light red shade.
"Thank you.", he said. "Should we continue our walk?" I nodded. We walked into the woods. It wasn't even that dark. And I felt save with this person I just met today.

There was a clearing in the woods. It was beautiful. We laid down and looked at the stars.
"Can I ask you something?", I said and looked at him. He looked at me.
"That was already a question", he said. We started laughing.
"Sure, what's your question?", he asked.
"You said that your family has superpowers.", I said. he nodded. "So what's yours?", I asked.
"Well, my talent is to look into someones future.", he said.
"That's so cool!!!", I said.
"Do you want me to look into your future?", he asked.

(I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this Bruno Madrigal book<333 If you have any suggestions on some scenes then just text me or write it in the comments)

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now