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I was standing in the living room waiting for all the other guests. Everything was good until Gabriela came to me. I'm sure she was a nice person but I just didn't like her.
"Hi Y/N. How are you doing?", she asked.
"I'm doing good. What about you?", I asked.
"Same. Have you seen Bruno?", she asked. Was she serious right now?!?!
"No, I didn't.", I said.
"Could you search him with me?", she asked.
"Sure.", I said. I wanted to see how Bruno would react.

We searched everywere.
"Maybe he's upstairs.", she said.
"Yes, maybe.", I said. She ran upstairs and almost slipped. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't.
He was there talking with Pepa.
"Hi Bruno. How are you doing?", she said to him. Her voice has changed. It was so annoying.

Pepa got angry. She was obviouslly talking to Bruno about something important. I got to her and touched her arm to calm her down. She gave me a smile and looked at Gabriela and back at me with a confused look. I nodded without making any sound.

Gabriela didn't even noticed that. She was too busy with Bruno. She always tried to have phisical touch with him. The problem was that Bruno didn't really liked it when someone just touched him. Exept it was from me. But even when I touched him he sometimes flinched.

He was so uncomfortable. She was talking to him but it wasn't really talking. It was just flirting. But to be honest she wasn't good at flirting. She tried too hard.

"Hi Bruno. We need you downstairs. Julieta asked for you.", I said and took his arm and brought him away from there.
"Thank you so much, Y/N.", he whispered.
"My pleasure.", I said.
"What does Julieta need?", he asked.
"She doesn't need anything. I just saw that you were feeling uncomfortable.", I said. He smiled at me.
"Thank you.", he said.
"We should go somewhere else so she won't follow us.", he said and took my hand.

We got outside in the garden.
"Why was Gabriela talking to me?", he said.
"She was trying to flirt with you.", I said and laughed.
"Flirting?!?", he said.
"Yes, haven't you noticed it?", I asked.
"No, I guess I'm bad at reading signs.", he chuckled. I laughed.
"Or I'm just not interested in any other woman.", he said and looked at me.

He wasn't even nervous when he said that. I can remember the first time we talked. He always stuttered and now he tells me such things and seems so calm. I was so happy he opened up to me like that. I could have never imagined being so happy with another person. Even though nobody else knew. But that wasn't important as long as I have him.

I smiled at him.
"I think we should go back.", I said. We went inside. Gabriela was already there waiting for us.
"Hi guys, what were you talking about?", she asked.
"Ehm... we were talking about Julieta and Agustín and the baby.", Bruno said. I nodded.

Why did she wanted to know that? Have you ever heard of privacy?!?
"We will open the gifts now!", Agustín said. We stood around Agustín and Julieta and the gifts. From Bruno they got a crocheted blanket.
"Have you made that yourself?", I asked curious.
"Well, yes. I wanted to make something personally.", he said. That was so hot!!

They got many baby gifts and then they opened up mine. They were so happy about the toys.
"Thank you so much.", they said.
"No problem.", I said and smiled.
When they were finished we ate something. The guests were leaving. Music was playing in the background. Gabriela walked up to me and Bruno.
"Hi Bruno, do you want to dance with me?", she asked.
"Ehm... I'm accually a really bad dancer so no.", he said.
"Come on. Just one dance?", she asked.
"I don't know...", he said obviously uncomfortable.
"Please?", she asked.
"He said no, Gabriela.", I said.
"I wasn't talking to you.", she said with a bitchy undertone.
"Excuse me?", I said.
"Yes, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Bruno.", she said. I stepped infront of Bruno and got closer to Gabriela.
"He said no. Do you understand that?", I said.
"Why don't you just go home?", she said.
"Why don't you?", I said.
"Like I said. I wasn't talking to you. So shut up and get out of my way.", she said. Bruno stood infront of me and was very close to her. But not in a flirty way. He was accually so angry.
"Nobody tells her to shut up. Okay? Nobody.", he said.

He defended me even though he was so uncomfortable and was very anxious with other people.
Gabriela looked so confused. She looked at Bruno and back at me.
"Fine.", she said and walked home.

"Thank you.", I said.
"No problem.", he said.
"No, I mean really thank you. It has been a while someone was defending me.", I said.
"Always for you.", he said. I wanted to kiss him. To hug him. To tell everyone the truth but we couldn't.

"But that was crazy. I never had something like that. You were defending me. Normally people just look while someone is making me uncomfortable ir they don't even notice it but you... you knew it from the start and saved me two times today. But not only today. You saved me. Saved me from my lonelyness and my sadness and I could finally show someone how I really am and not pretend to be someone else. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life. No matter what will happen.", he said. I got tears in my eyes.
"What's wrong?", he said.
"I- I just want to be with you for the rest of my life too.", I said sobbing.
"Really?", he asked.
"Yes.", I said.
"Do you want to go for a walk?", he asked.
"Of corse.", I said.

We were at the door.
"Bruno, where are you going?", Alma asked.
"I wanted to bring Y/N home because it's already dark outside.", he said.
"Okay but be back soon.", she said.

We walked home. At my door we stopped.
"I wish I could just kiss you and hug you and be with you the whole day for the rest of my life.", I said.
"Me too but we can't.", he said.
"I know.", I said and looked at the ground. He lifted up my chin with his fingers.
"But when we are alone... you know you can always kiss me. Always.", he said and got closer. He kissed me passionatelly. He got away from me. Our forheads were against eachother. We stayed like that for a moment. We started laughing.
"I have to go home now. Otherwise my mother would ask me about it.", he said.
"Okay. Goodbye, Bruno.", I said.
"Goodbye, mi amor.", he said and smirked at me while walking away. I got inside and laid in my bed and fell asleep.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now