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It was the next day after the one I met his family. Today I didn't had to help my mother in the shop. So I decided that I would go to the madrigals and ask them if they wanted to spend the day with me. I got up and said goodbye to my mother. It was to early for me to go to the madrigals so I got to my favorite spot.

I sat down when I heard some familiar voices. I turned around to see Bruno and his sisters.
"Hi guys", I said.
"Hi Y/N.", Pepa and Julieta said. Bruno sat down next to me.
"I wanted to surprise you in the shop but you weren't there so I knew you would be here. They wanted to come with me and I couldn't say no.", he said. He was so ashamed.
"It's okay. They don't bother me.", I said and laid one of my hand on his back and the other on his shoulder. He looked at me with a smile.

"So what should we do now?", Pepa asked
"We could sit here and just talk.", I said.
"But that's boring.", Pepa said.
"Don't say that. That's mean and it's not boring.", Bruno said and stepped infront of me. Was he protecting me? That was the first time someone did this for me. I was still sitting on the ground. So I took one of his hands so he would look at me.
"Bruno, it's okay.", I said. He smiled down at me. He helped me up.
"We could also go into the village and go shopping.", I said.
"Yess!!!", Pepa and Julieta said.

We got into the village. Pepa and Julieta were walking infront of us but not to close.
"I'm sorry that I brought them with me. Sometimes they are just so annoying.", he said.
"It's fine. They don't bother me.", I said.
"Yes but I wanted to be alone with you.", he said.
"Really?", I said with puppy eyes as we were walking slower.
"Yes. I love our walks and I love spending time with you and I love talking to you", he said. "But when someone else is with us I can't really be myself. I can only be myself with you. I don't know why.", he said. I got to him and hugged him. He didn't return the hug. But that was okay. I knew he didn't do it because there were other people and he was just to anxious to return it when people where around us.

I got away from him again. I cleared my throat. Pepa and Julieta were staring at us with a smile.
"Come you two little love birds.", Pepa said. We followed her. Julieta got to us.
"Would it be okay if Agustín would come too? He would also bring a friend along.", Julieta asked.
"Sure why not.", I said.

We were walking in the village and stopped at a shop with clothes. There were so many beautiful things. I stopped at a necklace with a wonderful butterfly. I laid it back to look around. At the end Pepa bought a new dress and Julieta bought new shoes. We got out of the shop. Bruno was hidding behind me. I knew he didn't like to be in the village.
"Do you want to run away with me when they don't notice us?", I asked him.
"Yes please!", he wispered. We waited for the right moment to run away. They really haven't noticed it.

We got into the woods were we also did the vision. We laid down on the ground. We were really close. I turned in his way and played with his curls. He turned to me and smiled. His hair was so fluffy and soft. I wanted to put my face in it.
"Y/N?", Bruno said.
"Yes?", I said.
"When we did the vision... Were you happy with it or not? ", he asked.
"I don't know. I mean it's good to know that I will be happy but I want to know who makes me happy and who I make happy.", I said.
"You make me happy.", Bruno wispered. I think it was suposed to be soundless but we were so close to each other that it was almost impossible for me to not hear it. I smiled at him and continued playing with his hair while we were still laying on the ground.

"We could do another vision if you want to.", he said.
"Really??", I asked.
"Yes. So we- I mean you can finally know who that person was with you.", he said.
"Should we do it here or in your room?", I asked.
"We could do it in my room but we have to be quiet while we are going into the house. Otherwise my sisters would probably come with us.", he said. I nodded.

We got to the casita. She opened the door for us. We got upstairs and into his tower. It was a little room with a sandfall.
"Your room is a little bit small.", I said. He started laughing. He offered me his hand. I took it gentely. We walked through the sandfall and were in a big room with many stairs.
"Let me guess. We have to go all up there.", I said and pointed at the top of the stairs.
"Yup.", he said. "Let's go. We can make breakes if you want to."

At first it was fine but then after we did like 100 steps my legs started hurting and I could barely breath. Bruno stopped and got to me.
"We make a break here and wait until you feel better.", he said. He sat down one step over the one I was sitting at. I tielt my head back and rested it on his legs. He started playing with my hair. I looked at his concentrated face. It was upside down. He stuck the tip of his tounge out. I smiled at him.
"What?", he asked and smiled down at me.
"You stuck you tounge out and looked so concentrated.", I said.
"I'm sorry.", he chuckled.
"No it's cute.", I said.
"Should we continue?", he asked.
"Okay.", I said and sat up straight. He helped me to stand up and we were walking again.

When we were at the top we were still holding hands. His hands were so big and somehow soft and dried out at the same time. We got into his vision cave. It was dark but still so beautiful. We sat down and he did his preparations again.
"Have you ever seen into your future, Bruno?", I asked.
"Well, yes I have but it wasn't that good. So I never did it again. Of corse it could have changed or I havn't seen something but what if there is nothing that was different and my faith is just to be alone?", he said. He got so sad. So did I.
"Bruno, you won't be alone. I will always be here for you.", I said while hugging him. He returned the hug. He held me very thigtly to his body. I didn't complain. I could feel his chest while he was breathing. And his breath on my shoulder.
"Okay?", I said with a soft voice. My hands cupping his face. He put his hand on mine and pressed mine harder to his cheek. He closed his eyes and smiled.

"Okay, now let's look into your future.", he said and sat down. I sat down across of him. He held out his hand and I took them. The sand started to rise and his eyes were green again. We saw the same things like we've seen the first time. The man that was with me on the bridge and then we kissed. But this time Bruno didn't stop the vision. He waited until we could see who it was but he stopped to soon and I couldn't see who it was. He was grinning.
"So how was it.", he said.
"It was just like last time. I couldn't see who it was.", I said.
"Me neither.", he said still grinning.

I went out of the cave and got to the top of the stairs.
"Y/N!! Wait!", he said running to me.
"Is everything okay?", he asked.
"Yes I mean no it's not. I wanted to see who it was and I didn't.", I said.
"I'm so sorry I stopped to soon", he sad and looked down.
"It's not your fault. You can't contol the future.", I said and smiled at him.
"Yes your right.", he said. He sat down next to me. We looked down and we heard Pepa and Julieta. We stood up and ran into the cave. We hid in a small alley and were so close to each other we almost kissed. We both blushed. I started giggeling uncontrollably. He shushed me but I couldn't stop. He coverd my mouth with his hand. I got quiet. 'Why was that so attractive?!?!?', I thought.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now