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"Do you want me to look into your future?", he asked.
"You would do that for me?", I asked.
"Yes, of corse.", he said and smiled at me.
He prepared everything for the vision.
"So how does that work?", I asked.
"I will prepare everything and then you give me your hands and I read your future.", he said. He sat down and lighted up some leafes. He closed his eyes. They were a bright green color. He held out his hands. I took them and the sand begann to rise.

There was me on a bridge. I looked at a river. And there was someone else. We were doing something on the bridge. We hugged and then on anotherday we kissed. I looked at Bruno and I could see him searching for the face of the person. And so did I. We couldn't really find out who was with me but they were taller than me. And then there was a butterfly on my nose.

Bruno stopped the vision.
"I hope you liked it.", he said.
"I did but who was that person with me?", I asked.
"Well, I guess you'll have to find out.", he said. "We should pobably go home."
We got up and walked home. But slowly. So we had enough time together.
"That was fun today wasn't it?", he said.
"Yes, it was. We should do that again sometimes. If you want to...", I said and looked away.
"Yes I would love to. Maybe tomorrow?", he asked.
"Yes, that would be perfect!", I said. We looked at each other. Smiling.
"Should I walk you home?", he asked.
"Sure.", I said.

We walked home. It was a cold night.
"Are you cold?", he asked.
"Yes, a little bit. But it's fine.", I said. He wanted to give me his poncho but he had nothing under it so he didn't. We stopped before my house.
"Thank you for walking me home, Bruno.", I said.
"Anytime. Sleep well, Y/N.", he said.
"Thank you. You too. See you tomorrow!", I said and got inside. I had such a big grin on my face.

I got into my room and changed my clothes. I looked out my window to see Bruno walking home. He looked so happy. And so was I. I laid into my bed and tried to sleep.

The next day I had to go to the shop again. Angelina had to be home because her son got married. I got up and went downstairs.
"Goodmorning!", I said.
"Goodmorning, mi amor. How have you slept?", my mother said.
"Good.", I said and sat down at the table.
"I saw you were coming home very late. Why?", she asked curious.
"I just forgot the time and looked at the stars.", I said.
"Okay but please be here a little bit earlier next time. Okay?", she asked.
"Yes.", I said. "I'm going to the shop now. Okay?"
"Yes, that's okay.", she said.

I went to the shop. I opened the door and waited for costumers. There was no one so I got bored and started to talk to the flowers. Until I heard a noice.
"Y/N??", I heard. I looked around to see Bruno.
"Bruno!!! What are you doing here?", I asked.
"My mother send me to pick up some flowers. What are you doing here?", he asked.
"My mother owns this shop and I have to help her out sometimes. So you are here to pick up some flowers. Just wait here. I will bring them to you.", I said and searched for the flowers for the madrigal family.
"Here you go.", I said.
"Thank you so much. Would you like to come with me?", he asked.
"Sure but I have to ask my mom. Just wait here.", I said and got to my mother.

"Hi mom, I wanted to ask you if I could bring the madrigal flowers to the madrigals?", I asked.
"Okay, but be back as soon as possible.", she said.

I got to Bruno and we started walking.
"So how is your family?", I asked him.
"My mother is strict but she will love you. Just like my sisters. Their names are Pepa and..."
"Julieta", I said.
"Yes, how did you know?", he asked.
"Yesterday a man came into the shop to buy flowers for her and I helped him. His name was Agustín.", I said.
"Good to know that she has a boyfriend.", he said and started chuckling. So did I.
"What are their talents?", I asked.
"Julieta can heal people with her food and Pepa can control the weather with her emotions.", he said.
"That's so cool.", I said as we were at the door of the madrigal house.
"Casita, could you open the door for us?", Bruno said. The doors opened.
"Who were you talking with?", I asked.
"I was talking with the house. It's magical!", he said and walked in. I followed him.
"Hi Bruno.", one of his sisters said.
"Hi Julieta.", he said.
"And who are you?", a other girl said.
"That's Y/N. She's a friend of mine.", he said.
"A friend? But you never had a friend that was a human.", she said.
"That's mean Pepa.", Julieta said. You started laughing a little bit but not in a mean way.
"And who are you?", I asked.
"I'm Pepa and this is my sister Julieta.", Pepa said.
"Nice to meet you.", I said.
"Hey Y/N, should I show you our house?", Bruno said.
"I'd love to.", I said.
"Can we come with you?", Pepa and Julieta asked.
"Sure.", Bruno said.

We walked upstairs. There were two glowing doors with the names of the two girls.
"These are Pepa's and Julieta's rooms. And this is my tower.", he said and showed me his door.
"Bruno, what are you doing here?", a elderly woman said. That must be his mother.
"I was showing around Y/N. She is the daughter of the flower shop owner.", Bruno said. "And she's my friend."
"His girlfriend.", Pepa said and started laughing. Julieta started laughing too.
"No, it's not like that. We are just friends.", Bruno said and blushed to a dark red shade. He looked like a tomato.
"Stop it girls. Our guest shouldn't feel this exposed.", she said and got closer to me. I couldn't discribe what she was feeling right now. If she was happy or sad or angry. Her face was very hard to read. But then she smiled.
"So you are the daughter of the shop owner?", Julieta asked.
"Yes, I am.", I said.
"My friend Agustín brought me flowers the other day. Were they from your shop?", Julieta asked.
"Yes, I was the one giving them to him. He was so nervous. He wanted them to be perfect.", I said. We laughed. I felt like someone was staring at me. And I knew exactelly who it was. Bruno was looking at me. I looked back at him. We smiled and blushed. Then we both looked away.

"So do you want to spend the day with us?", Pepa asked.
"I'd love to but I have to go back to the shop. Maybe another day.", I said. She looked a little bit sad and a cloud formed on top of her head.
"It's fine. Another day.", she said and the cloud disappeared.
"I have to go now.", I said.
"Okay. Let me guide you to the door.", Bruno said.
"Goodbye Y/N!!", the two girls said.
"Goodbye Y/N. You are welcome here anytime. Have a good day.", his mother said.

When we were at the door there was only me and Bruno.
"So now you've met my family.", he said.
"So did you.", I said.
"Right.", he said. We started laughing awkwardly.
"Alright, see you tonight.", he wispered.
"See you tonight.", I said and kissed him on the cheek. I got away from him. He was so surprised. It took a moment for him to realise what just happend. When he did he started smiling and chuckling. He blushed again. So did I. I walked away. When I was at the shop again I was still smiling.
"What happend?", my mother asked.
"Nothing.", I said and was still smiling.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now