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After my little fight with Gabriela we got downstairs to eat dinner. Mirabel was still shocked. Dolores was quieter than usual. I mean... she was always a very quiet child but today was even more quieter.
"Is everything okay?", I asked her. She looked at me. It seemed like something was going on inher mind and stressing her. She didn't say anything. She just looked at me very tired.

"Is it because of your wedding?", I asked her. She let out a deep breath.
"It's just... how do I know if he's the right one? Am I doing the right thing?", she asked and was about to have a panic attak. I put my hands on her shoulders to comfort her.
"Hey everything will be alright. And I will be there and Camilo and the rest of your family. We are here for you. No matter what will happen.", I said to her. She tried to smile. I knew it was very hard for her.

We got to the dinner table. I sat down next to Bruno and on the other side was Camilo. We all sat down and started eating.
"So what happend today?", Alma asked.
"Y/N punched Gabriela in the face!", Camilo said quickly. I looked at him. He didn't look in my eyes. He looked awkwardly at his food and took a sip from his drink.
"Is that true Y/N?", Julieta asked.
"Yes, I did. I'm so sorry but I had to.", I said. Bruno laid his hand on mine and squeezed it gently. He looked at me with a soft smile and his big puppy eyes. I smiled at him.

"She was just saving me from Gabriela. You know I'm not an agressiv person. Neigther is Y/N but in that moment it was necessarily.", he said. Noone said anything after that. They knew that I had to do something and that I wouldn't just punch someone.

We ate dinner. Dolores left the table very quickly.
"Do you think everything is okay with her?", I asked Bruno.
"Yes, I think she's just nervous because of her wedding tomorrow.", he said.

We started to take the things back into the kitchen. When we were finished I was about to walk upstairs to Bruno's room but he stopped me. He took my hand and pulled at it softly so I would look at him.
"Y/N would you like to go for a little walk?", he asked. He was just as nervous as he was when we first met all those years ago. I walked down a couple stairs. I gave him a kiss on the forhead.
"Of corse I want to.", I said and cupped his face in my hands. He smiled at me. I took his hand and we walked outside.

"Where do you want to go to?", I asked him.
"How about our spot in the forest or do you want to go to the river?", he asked.
"How about the river? We weren't there for such a long time.", I said. He nodded and walked towards the river. I followed him.

It was already dark. The moon shinned bright and a few fireflies were flying around. We walked to my old favorite spot and sat down at first. After a while we laid down. His head was on my belly. I strocked his head and played with his hair. I scratched his head with my nails. They weren't that long but also not that short. Just the right length. He closed his eyes and started moaning a little bit. I smiled at his actions.

After a while he turned around so he could look at me. His head was still on my belly. He just looked at me with his big eyes. I looked at him. Is smile grew.
"What?", I said and laughed a little.
"You look beautiful.", he said and put his hand on my cheek. He climbed ontop of me.

"Hernando is that you?", I said with a smirk. He let out a little laugh that almost sounded like a moan. He started kissing me gently. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slowly started moving his hips. He got to my neck and started giving me little marks on my skin. Little groans and moans escaping my mouth.

"Mi vida, I can't wait. I have to have you right now and right here.", he said. I smiled at him. I saw the bridge that we fixed a long time ago.
"We could go under that bridge.", I said to him.
"Anything for you.", he said and stood up while still holding me and lifting me up until we were under the bridge.

Just as we were under the bridge he kissed me again. This time it wasn't that gentle. He kissed my neck while slowly pulling down my underwear. He untied his fly and opened his pants. Now He was in his boxers and in his shirt. He got ontop of me again. I could feel his erection on my entrance.

"Bruno please just ride me.", I said, desperate. Just wanting him inside of me.
He smiled at me.
"You are so needy.", he whispered. He kissed me again as he pulled down his boxers. I could feel his tip at my entrance. Teasing me. I was already so wet it would be easy for him to just slide inside of me. But he enjoyed the needy and desperate look on my face.

"Please Bruno just fuck me.", I said. He smiled as he slowly trusted himself inside of me. A little groan escaping my mouth as I felt him inside of me. He started moving his hips. I wrapped my legs around his waist again. My hands were on his back scratching him. His grip was tight on my waist so I wouldn't move that much.

With every minute he got faster and rougher until I could almost feel my orgasm. Bruno saw that.
"Come for me, my little slut.", he said. I did as he said. Loud moans coming out of my mouth as I finally reached my climax. Just secounds after that I could feel his warm come inside of me as he colapsed on my chest while letting out loud groans. We breathed heavy.
"You did so well.", he said and placed a kiss on my lips.


I'm so sorry for not posting for such a long time but I just had no idea what I should write. But now I have. I also have school right now so updates will only be on the weekends. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was a little short.

Also I'm writing on a Camilo x reader. Would you guys be interested in reading it?

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now