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We woke up to the sound of his family saying goodmorning to eachother outside.
"Good morning, mi amor.", he said in his sleepy voice.
"Good morning, Hernando.", I said. First he looked confused but then he started to smile. He put his face in his pillow. I gave him a kiss on his head. He looked up and smiled at me. He laid down very close to me and laid his head on my belly. I strocked his head while he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

After a while we had to go downstairs to eat breakfast. I gave him a kiss on the head and stood up. I putted on the rest of my clothes because I slept in my underwear and in a shirt from him. It was to big for me but I loved it. It smelled like him and was so comfortable. I just putted on my pants and my shoes. I waited for him to be ready and took his hand to walk outside of his room.

We walked downstairs and the whole family was already there. They all stopped eating and stared at us when we came there.
"Good morning?", Julieta said. It was so quiet.
"Hello.", Bruno said and looked at the ground. We sat down next to each other and started eating.

"So, why are you already here, Y/N?", Pepa asked. Bruno choked on his food and started coughing.
"Sorry.", he said quietly.
"I'm already here because I slept here.", I said and looked at my food. I tried to not have eye contact with any of them. But I knew that they were all looking at us.

"Aha, you slept here.", Camilo said in a teasing way and smiled.
"Yes.", I said.
"But why?", Isabella asked.
"Because I didn't wanted to be alone and... ehm... I-", I said. It was so awkward. And I was so stressed. Everybody stared at me. That made me so uncomfortable.

"I wanted her to stay.", Bruno said. Now everyone looked at him.
"I just wanted her to stay because...", he said.
"You like her. Don't you?", Camilo said.
"Yes, I do.", he said. He was so confident with that answer. It surprised me. Normally he would just sat there and say nothing.

Everyone was shocked exept for Mirabel, Camilo and Dolores. I just realised that she probably heard everything. That made me even more uncomfortable.

"So, are you together?", Julieta asked. I looked at Bruno and he smiled at me.
"Yes.", we said at the same time. I looked at him and started giggeling. So did he.
"I'm so happy for you that you are finally together after all those years!", Felíx said.
"What do you mean. They know each other for like 3 weeks and not for years. Or do they?", Camilo asked.
"I know him since I was 28." I said.
"And now you are?", Camilo asked.
"46.", I said.
"These are not just a view years. You know him since 18 years!!!", Camilo said.
"Yes.", I said and laughed at his reaction.

"How long have you been in love with him?", Mirabel asked.
"I loved him since the third time that I went on a walk with him. It was beautiful. First we went shopping with Julieta and Pepa and then we ran away into the forest. We laid down at our spot and we did a vision in his cave. I don't know why but that day I fell in love with him and it hasn't stopped until now. He's the love of my life.", I said and looked at him. Our hands interlocked under the table. He strocked my hand while smiling at me.
"That is so cute.", Mirabel said. I just smiled at her.

We continued eating. When we were finished Bruno took my plate and brought it into the kitchen.
"So... were you mad at him for not telling you that he lives in the walls?", Mirabel asked.
"Well yes, at first but then when I saw him I somehow forgot those bad thoughts and was just happy to see him again after all those years.", I said.
"So...is he the reason why you didn't got married in the last ten years?", Isabella asked.
"Yes, of corse he is. I always loved him and even when he left I didn't stop loving him. It would have been a long lonely life if he wouldn't have come back. Because there is no other man for me than your tío Bruno.", I said. They all smiled. Camilo was pretanding like he had to throw up. I laughed at him.

Bruno was coming back to the table.
"What did I miss?", he asked.
"Ou, nothing. They were just asking questions.", I said. He sat down next to me.
"Oh I have another one.", Mirabels said. We looked at her.
"How was Bruno when you first met him?", Mirabel asked. Everyone listened.
"Well, he was a very shy person and he didn't talk that much but he slowly started talking more and not stuttering anymore until he was so confident and he just spoke with me without stuttering or regreting it that he said something. At the beggining he apologised when he asked me something. But then it stopped and he started trusting me, I think.", I said and looked at him.
"Yes, I do.", he said and smiled at me.

"How did you met?", Antonio asked.
"It was on the day that your tío Agustín asked out your tía Julieta. He was standing there with flowers and I didn't wanted to be there because it would have been loud. So I walked to the river. When I was there I saw a girl sitting there and one of the rats ran to her. Normally people would scream and shout but she didn't. She petted it and called it cute. Then I started to talk to her. In that night we had our first walk and I brought her home and I can remember how happy I was because I never had a friend that was a girl and a human. So that was very exiting for me. And we met the next night and so long. I'm just so thankful to have her in my life.", he said and looked at me.

"You know what? I wasn't accually there because I wanted to go for a walk before I go to bed.", I said.
"Really?", he said.
"Yes, I got to the river because I was watching Agustín and Julieta from my window. I gave him that flowers for Julieta. He bought them frol my shop. I watched them and then I saw you coming out of casita and I just wanted to meet you so I sneaked out of the house and walked to the river as fast as I could and then you came to me. That is the first time I ever said that to anyone.", I said. He smiled at me.
"Are you angry?", I asked.
"Why should I be angry?", he said. I just smiled at him.

"You are so cute together. You are just like one of those old cupples that know each other since they were little and did everything with each other.", Mirabel said.
"We are.", I said. We started laughing.

They asked us some more questions. But today I had to help Dolores because she had to plan her wedding with Mariano and she was freaking out and started to hear the people louder than usual. So I had to help her. Otherwise she would go crazy.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now