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(I'm sorry about that but I will do a little time skip)

Julieta's and Agustín's wedding was one year ago. I didn't saw the madrigals that often anymore because my mother died and now I'm the owner of the flower shop. It was hard sometimes because now I lived alone and was responsible for a house and a shop at the same time. And I was sopossed to have free time and friends but I didn't had time. Angelina was still helping me but she wasn't that young anymore and I knew that she couldn't work here for ever. So I decided to find a new helper. I asked almost everyone in the village. But nobody had time. I was so frustrated.

I got back to my shop. A view minuted later Julieta and Agustín walked in. She had a little belly but I didn't say anything. That would be rude and awkward if she wouldn't be pregnant.

"Hi you two, how are you doing?", I asked.
"We're doing great. What about you?", they asked.
"I'm doing good. Sometimes it's a little bit stressing but yeah. I can do this.", I said.
"How can I help you today?", I asked.
"We are accually making a babyshower. Would you like to come too?", Julieta said.
"You're pregnant!!!", I said and hugged them.
"That is so exiting!", I said.
"Yes, it is but haven't you noticed my belly?", she asked.
"I did but I didn't want to be rude.", I said. They laughed.
"What kind of flowers do you want?", I asked.
"Like blue or purple ones.", Julieta said.
I showed them a view. They finally said yes to a purple flower.

It was getting darker outside.
"Do you want to eat dinner with us? Pepa and Bruno will be so exited to see you again.", Julieta said.
"Sure, why not.", I said.
I closed the shop and said goodbye to Angelina.

We walked to their casita. We walked in the house.
"Y/N!!!", Pepa screamed. She ran up to me and hugged me.
"I haven't seen you for so long. How are you doing?", she asked.
"I'm doing good. What about you?", I asked.
"Good, I will get married to Felíx!", she said.
"Awww, Congratulations!!!", I said and hugged her and Felíx.
"When will you get married?", I asked.
"We don't know it yet.", she said.

I felt like everyone around me was getting married or will have children and I'm still alone. Well not alone but I haven't seen Bruno for so long. Like literally 4 months. Does he still like me? Well we couldn't tell anyone anyway.

"How is Bruno doing?", I asked them.
"We don't know. He wasn't coming out of his room for such a long time.", Pepa said.
"Can I look after him?", I asked.
"Sure.", Pepa said and I got to his tower.

I knocked at his door. No one was answering so I just walked in.
"Bruno!!!", I screamed. I walked through the sand fall.
"Y/N?", Bruno said. He was laying in the sand with a view rats. He got up and smiled. He got closer and kissed me intencely.

"Are you alright, Bruno?", I asked.
"Yes, I was just sad latelly. I wasn't seeing you anymore and I had to do so many visions of some people from the village. It was horrible. I had to tell a woman that her fish would die and the next day he did. Now everyone thinks I can change the future how I want it to be.", he said.
"But you can't.", I said.
"Yes but they don't know that.", he said.
"I'm so sorry that I wasn't here for you. I was so busy with the shop and I didn't had time to visit you. I'm so sorry.", I said.
"It's okay. We both had to do things. I'm just happy we can finally see each other again.", he said and hugged me.

We got downstairs to eat dinner.
Pepa sat next to Felíx, Julieta sat next to Agustín and I sat across of Bruno.
"So how is your shop doing, Y/N?", Alma asked.
"It's doing good but my assistent is getting old. She was a friend of my mother and I need a new assistent and I asked everyone in town if they wanted to be my assistent but they all said no.", I said.
"My cousin maybe could help you. She doesn't got a job at the moment and she liked flowers.", Felíx said.
"Could you ask her?", I asked.
"Sure. I will ask her tomorrow.", he said.
"Thank you so much.", I said.

We ate. After we were finished I stayed a little bit. But after like one hour I had to go home. I said goodbye to everyone. I waited for Bruno to come outside. He kissed me. One hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. My hands were around his neck. I wanted to stay like that for ever. But we couldn't. I slowly got away from him.
"I have to go now.", I said.
"I know but I just-", he said and kissed me again. He got away from me.
"I just had to kiss you one last time for today.", he said.
I said goodbye to him and walked home.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now