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"Dolores, what happend?", I asked as I ran to her. Pepa was following me. Dolores was sitting on a chair and me and Pepa were kneeling infront of her. Dolores looked up at us.
"I haven't slept yesterday and everything is so loud and I'm so tired", she cried.
"Everything will be alright.", I said and hugged her.
"Yes, and we are here for you. Always.", Pepa said and joined the hug.
"Thank you.", Dolores said and wipped away her tears.
"Now we have to get you ready for the wedding.", Pepa said and started brushing dolores' hair. I masaged her feet and her hands and her shoulders so she would relax. We did her hair and her make up and putted on her dress and some ear rings.

I remembered that I was engaged too. But I couldn't tell anyone. Even though I was pretty sure Dolores already knew because she didn't sleep last night so she probably heard everything. Wait.... she heard EVERYTHING. That made me so uncomfortable. But it sure wasn't the first time she heard something like that.

After we were finished I walked outside to get to Bruno. He was talking to Camilo and Mirabel. Mirabel was helping her mother with the food. I walked to him.
"My love, I have to tell you something.", I said. He looked so concerned.
"What happend? Is everything okay?", he asked as he took my hands in his.
"Yes, everything is fine. It's just that I want to tell somebody what happend last night but I know I can't today. And Dolores is so nervous and is almost paniking. Well, acually... she already did. But I tried to calm her down. She's afraid that Mariano could leave her. Which he would never. Or would he? Wait, what if he would accualy leave her? She would never trust anyone ever again.", I said.
"Y/N, my love. Everything will be okay. He will never leave her. I'm sure he won't. Just like I would never leave you.", he said and kissed my hand to calm me down.
"I'm sorry. I may have been overreacting a little bit. Thank you for calming me.", I said.
"Always.", he said and smiled at me.

Camilo came to us.
"Hey guys, the wedding will start in one hour. Where are all the guests?", he asked.
"I don't know but I'm sure they will be here any minute. They still have an hour.", I said and let out a little laugh. Camilo nodded and walked away.

Soon all of the guests arrived. Me and Bruno sat down in the first row.
"I'm so exited.", I said.
"Me too.", Bruno said and took my hand in his. I smiled at him. He mirrored my expression.

Suddently the music started playing. We all went quiet and watched as Dolores and Felíx walked down the aisle. I could feel something wet on my cheek but it wasn't a tear. I slowly looked at the sky and saw a little cloud. Pepa was sitting right next to me. I put my hand on top of hers. She looked at me and I gave her a comforting smile. Soon the cloud disappeared. We watched as Dolores was standing with her soon to be husband Mariano. She looked beautiful.
"You may now kiss the bride.", the priest said. And they did. Now they were husband and wife.

After that everyone got to the buffet. There were so many things to eat. I just grabbed some fruits. A few slices of mango and pineapple. I looked at Bruno who was talking to Agustín and Julieta. He looked so good in that shirt. A few of his buttons were opened and I just knew that today I would open the rest of them too. This man made me feel so happy and at the same time I just wanted to rip his shirt of. But not now. Now I have to stay focused and concentrate myself on the weeding and the people.

When I grabbed the fruits I walked to Bruno. They were talking about Dolores' dress.
''She looks so beautiful.'', Julieta said.
''Yes. I just hope everything will be okay.", Agustín said.
''I'm sure everything will be alright.", Bruno said.

Dolores and Mariano were dancing in the middle of the room. Bruno brought us some drinks. After that we also started dancing. Well I tried to get Bruno to the dance floor but he was a little bit anxious.
"Do you want to dance with me?", I asked him.
"I would love to but maybe later because either way there are less people or I'm drunk later so that would make everything easier.", he said and took another sip of his drink.
"So you want to get drunk?", I asked him.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now