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I said goodbye to those who were still in the dinning room. Bruno wanted to come with me but the others still had some questions. I smiled at them and walked upstairs. Dolores wanted me to meet her in her room. It has been a while since I was in her room. I remember that it was big but I couldn't really rememver anything else.

I was about to knock at her door when she already opened it. I almost screamed and stepped back.
"Dolores! You scared me.", I said.
"I'm soory.", she said and made her cute little noise.
"Would you like to come in?", she asked. I nodded and walked in.

Her room wasn't in a square shape. It was round. It was very big and there were clouds everywhere. I saw a little door in the room.
"Is that a door?", I asked.
"Yes, that is a room for me when I feel anxious. When I'm inside there I can't hear the people from outside. When I'm inside there I can hear as much as you do and not more. I'm in there pretty often. I even got a bed in there so I can sleep there and not hear you guys when you are sleeping.", she said.
"That's great. So you can just go there when you don't want to hear anyone.", I said.
"Yes, well I still hear pretty well in there but not as good and as much as usually when I'm outside. Even right now I can hear the kids playing in the village.", she said.
"That must be very hard for you.", I said and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Yes, it is. But I'm used to it.", she said and looked kinda sad.

I couldn't even imagine how it feels to hear everything. Like literally everything. Everytime someone is fighting or everytime someone is crying. Or... Oh no. She even must have heard her parents and her tía and tío having sex. Because before casita was destroyed she didn't had that secret room that she has now. I'm so sorry for her. She must be traumaticed. And I don't wanna know how many times someone said to her 'Don't tell anyone!' or 'Dolores stop listening!' when she couldn't even control it. And all the secrets she must know. It must be so overwhelming to know everything about everyone.

I hugged her very thightly. She didn't return the hug.
"Is everything okay? I can hear your heart beat being very fast.", she said.
"Yes but I just wanted to hug you. I'm so sorry that you had to listen to all the people in the village for your whole entire life and being silenced by so many people. I'm so sorry.", I said silently because otherwhise it would have been to loud for her because I was still hugging her. Now she returned the hug.
"Thank you, Y/N. Noone has ever said that to me before.", she whispered. I hugged her even thighter after she said that. We stayed like that for a view minutes.

We pulled apart.
"So how can I help you with your wedding?", I asked.
"Well I still have to look through the guests and I have to look which cake I want and which flowers and so many other things.", she said and got so stressed. She stood up and mumbled to herself. She walked around in her room. I stood up and putted my hands on her shoulders.
"Hey everything will be fine. I will help you with all of that and we still have enough time. Okay?", I said to her in a calm voice while strocking her arms. She calmed down. She was just like her mother right now.

We looked through the guest list and looked which cake she wanted. But we didn't got time for the flowers today. We would to that tomorrow. She wanted to take a nap in her secret room because she was tired. I slowly closed her door and tried to make to sound.

I slowly walked downstairs to see that the other kids were still asking Bruno questions.
"No, I never kissed one of my rats on the mouth. How could you even think about that?", he said a little bit annoyed. He looked so tired. I laughed a little bit. He looked at me.

His eyes were almost closed. These kids asked him questions the whole day. He must be exhausted. I was standing right infront of him but he had issues finding out who was standing infront of him.
"Bruno, are you okay? Mi amor?", I said. I've never seen him like this before. He always had eye bags but I've never seen him this tired.

"Y/N?", he said.
"Yes?", I said. He didn't say anything else. I kneeled down so I would be the same height as he was right now because he was still sitting at the table. I cupped his face. He closed his eyes and let his head fall into my hands.
"Mi amor, are you okay?", I asked.
"Yes, but Brunito has to go to bed now. He is veeeerrry tired.", he said. It was almost like he was drunk. I smiled at him.
"Okay kids. That was enough questions for one day. Your tío has to go to sleep now.", I said and helped Bruno get up.

His arm was around my shoulder and I was holding his waist for support. I said goodnight to the kids and to Julieta and Pepa and walked upstairs with Bruno. Onetime he almost fell asleep on the stairs and we almost fell.
"Bruno! You have to be awake for a view more minutes and then you can sleep in your big warm bed.", I said. He nodded.

We walked upstairs and managed to go into his room. I guided him to his bedroom. He fell into his bed. He was really behaving like he was drunk. He sat up and put his hands on my cheeks.
"Y/N, do you know what they asked me?", he said. I shook my head.
"They asked me if I ever kissed one of the rats on the lips or what sex is. INFRONT OF ANTONIO! I had to lie to them because otherwhise Antonio would have been traumatised.", he said while still holding my face in his hands. He squeezed it. I just had to laugh.

"You look beautiful today. Do you know that?", he said. I laughed a little bit.
"No really. You are beauutifuuul.", he said. He came closer. I think he wanted to kiss my lips but instead he kissed my eyes very passionately. With his tounge included. I slowly pushed him away.
"Your mouth is kinda hairy today.", he said. I started laughing.
"That wasn't my mouth, Bruno.", I said. He looked shocked.

"WAS IT A RAT?!? I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't wanted to cheat on you with a rat. It just happend.", he said and started crying.
"Bruno, you didn't kiss a rat. You kissed my eye.", I said and started laughing again. He calmed down.
"Ou.", he said and laid down. I took away his shoes to he could sleep well.

I took a hairbrush and sat down next to him in the bed. He laid his head on my lap. I started brushing him hair. He smiled. He looked so satisfied. It calmed him down. This day was very stressing for both of us. So it was good that it ended like this. He made some happy noises.

When I was finished with brushing his hair I started to play with his curls and stroking his head. He moaned a little bit.
"Is it good?", I asked playfully.
"Yes, thank you mommy.", he said.
I was shocked. Did he just called me mommy? I mean... It kinda turned me on but I think he doesn't even know what he just said to me. So I just let out a little laugh and continued.

I slowly laid down with his head now on my stomach. I still strocked his head until he fell aslepp. I made sure he had a right posture so his neck wouldn't hurt tomorrow. After that I slowly fell asleep too.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now