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In the morning I woke up before anyone else of the madrigals. I went downstairs to make Mirabels favorite breakfast. Julieta was already there. She was crying. I got to her.
"What happend?", I asked.
"I searched for Bruno and he's gone. And yesterday something happend with Mirabel and it's just to much for one day.", she said. I hugged her. She cried into my shoulder. That was the third madrigal in two days that cried in my shoulder. Pepa came downstairs.
"What happend?", she asked.
"Bruno is gone.", Julieta said.
"What?", she said and it started raining and winding.
"Where is he?", she said. Alma walked out of her room.
"Pepa, you have a cloud!", she said.
"I know, mama. But Bruno is gone!", Pepa said.
"What!?!?", the whole family screamed. We walked in his room.

"Bruno!", Pepa screamed. No one answered. We walked upstairs and nobody was there either. They walked outside while I was still in it. I sat there crying. I already knew he was gone but it still hurt. Some rats came to me. I lifted one up. The other ones cllmbed up my dress. I decided to go in his bedroom. I was here one time. It was when he showed me his whole room. There was something on his bed. It was a poncho similar to the one he had. He made it himself. It was in a blueish green color. There was a letter with my name on it. I started crying. He made me a poncho that looked just like his. I opened up the letter.
I wanted to give you the poncho on your birthday but now it seemt to be a better time. You can wear it when you miss me or when you just feel like it. You can also come into my room anytime when you want to. I hope we will see us again someday.

To the love of my life

From Bruno

That was so cute. I putted it on immediately. It had little flowers on it and also hour glasses. That symbolizes us. I just wanted to hug him. I cried again. The rats came to me and tried to comfort me. I smiled at them and petted them.

I got outside of his room. Everyone stared at me.
"Where did you got that poncho from?", Pepa asked.
"Bruno gave it to me.", I said.
"Is he here?", Julieta asked.
"No, he laid it down at his bed so I could find it.", I said.
They nodded. I looked at the ground while Julieta started crying again.
"Where is tío Bruno?", Dolores asked.
"We don't know, mi amor.", Felíx said.

They got downstairs while I went outside with the kids. They wanted to search him. The rest of the family joined soon. They yelled his name. After a while I got back to the house. I got into his bed room. There were a view plants and books. I laid down at his bed. It was so soft that I fell asleep. After like one or two hours I woke up to the sound of people yelling my name. I looked downstairs to see the whole family in Bruno's room. I got downstairs so we could eat together. Alma said I should sit down at Bruno's seat. I felt like I was just replacing him. That didn't felt right but I sat down. In that exact moment the rats climbed on my shoulders .
"Could you put them down?", Alma said.
I nodded.
"She is just like tío Bruno.", Camilo whispered to Dolores. But he wasn't good at whispering. I looked at him and then on my plate. That made me sad and happy at the same time.

We ate breakfast. After that I had to go home. On my way home I stopped at my favorite spot. The rats followed me. I laid down and petted them. I cried again. I just wanted to go to him. It just broke my heart to see all those happy cupples knowing I could have the same thing if we were in another situation. I could finally be happy with him after all of those years.

I got home and laid down in my bed. I thought about quitting my job and be just the owner and not accually working there anymore and just do the managing. I got to the shop to talk about my idea to Angelina and Gabriela. They said it would be a great idea. Then I had more time for myself.

I took a walk to the forest. I walked to the spot I always was with Bruno and laid down and fell asleep. Somehow I was tired the while time.

(Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you liked it<33 And thank you sm for all the comments! I love each and one of you<3 Have a great day/night!)

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now