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We got downstairs for breakfast. I wasn't sure if I would tell the family what news me and Bruno had. We didn't really talk about that.

We got to the table. Only Alma, Mirabel, Agustín and Julieta were already there. We sat down and waited for the others.
They started having a conversation and didn't really focused at me and Bruno so I decided to ask him how we are handling this situation.

"Bruno.", I whispered and looked at him.
"Yes, mi amor?", he said and turned in my direction.
"Are we gonna tell your family or not?", I asked.
"Of course we are. But maybe not today. It's to early.", he said.
"Yes, that's what I thought too. Especially after yesterday. I don't want to steal Dolores' moment.", I said.

Now the rest of the family finally came to the table. We started eating. It was a normal breakfast with a little bit of chatting and then Alma said what we had to do today.

Me and Bruno got back to our room. We didn't really had any chores today.
"BRUNO!!", I said.
"Yes?!?!?!", he said.
"After all that happend in the last days I almost forgot we are getting married. We have to plan that. Should we do it before or after the baby is born?", I asked.
"I would say before because if you give birth to our child and then a week after or so we have our wedding you can't even relax and maybe you are just tired. Or we are just tired because you know we are not getting enough sleep then.", he said.
"Yes, good point.", I said.

It got quiet for a moment.

"Should we maybe have the wedding next week?", I asked.
"What? Why?", he asked.
"Because then my dress will fit me and we still can have a romantic honeymoon without me having a ballon attached to me.", I said. He started laughing.
"Yes, that's true. So let's do it next week. But isn't that a little bit suspisious?", he asked.
"Yes, you're right.", I said.
"You know how my family is.", he said.
"We could say that we just can't wait anymore.", I said.
"Yes, why not.", he said.

So we tried to finish the planning for the wedding.
It didn't took too long for us to finish. But we had to tell the family. That would be the bigger task.
"Okay so how do we bring it up?", I asked him.
"I don't know. Maybe we ask them before we are eating?", he said.
"Yes, okay.", I said.

It was evening and me and Bruno got downstairs. We prepared a whole speach.
When we got downstairs everyone was going outside.
"What is happening here? Where are you going?", I asked.
"Oh, we are going for a walk before we eat. Do you want to join us?", Dolores asked.
"Yes, of corse.", Bruno said.
We started walking.

"Bruno, how do we tell them the news now?", I said.
"I don't know. We have to make a new plan when we get home.", he said.
We walked into the woods near where our spot was. Accually we got to our spot.
They were about to walk away when I decided that now is the time to tell them.

"Hey guys, can you wait a secound? Bruno and I would like to tell you something.", I said.
Everyone looked at us.
"Okay so, as you all know me and Bruno are getting married and we decided that we can't wait any longer and we want to marry next week.", I said.
"That's great but why now?", Camilo asked.
"Well...", I looked at Bruno. I tried to figure out if I could tell them or not.
"Well, we also have another thing to tell you. We first thought about keeping it a secret because yesterday Dolores told us her baby news but I just want to tell you that we are very exited to tell you that not only Dolores and Mariano will have a baby. Y/N is pregnant!", Bruno said.
"What?!? How? I mean I know how but aren't you a little old...?", Mirabel asked.
"Yes we know that. But we always dreamed about having a family and it just happend. And we are very happy.", Bruno said.
Mirabel smiled and just nodded.

They all came to hug us.
But that sentance from Mirabel got me thinking. What if we really were too old? What if something goes wrong.
I have to stopp thinking about this. And maybe I should talk to Bruno about my thoughts.

We finally got back home and ate. After that me and Bruno got into our room. We put on our pyjamas and got to bed.
"Bruno?", I said.
"Yes?", he said.
"I'm scared.", I said.
"I know. I'm too if I'm being honest.", he said. I sat up.
"Really? I thought everything is going to be okay.", I said.
"I know but Mirabel got me thinking", he said.
"Me too. That's why I've been worrying all day", I said.
"I know everything will be okay. I'm just scared that maybe I'm not a good father or what if one of us dies very soon. We don't know that.", he said while tears were forming in his eyes. I hugged him.
"Everything will be okay. You will be a great dad. I know that because you are a very good uncle and a very gentle and nice partner. You will be doing great.", I said.
"Thank you.", he said.
"This all has been very overwhelming for us. Maybe we should just try to sleep.", I said and layed down again.
"Could you maybe hold me? I just need your physical touch right now.", he said.
"Of corse, mi amor. I hope you sleep good.", I said.
"You too, mi amor."

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now