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We were still in the cave in the alley. I felt his breath on my head. He wasn't that tall but he was a little bit taller than me. He always tried to make himself look smaller because he felt more comfortable like that.

He looked so stressed but also so beautiful. I laid my head on his chest while we waited. He played with my hair. We waited for like ten minutes until we finally got out of the alley. Not that I didn't wanted to be near him but it was very thight.

"So what are we going to do now?", I asked him.
"I don't know. We could go for a walk if you want to.", he said.
"Yes.", I said. We walked downstaires and looked if his sisters were still there. They were gone so we sneaked out of the house.
"Should we go to the river or the forest or in the village?", I asked.
"We could go into the village. We could stalk my sisters if you want to.", he said.
"Yes, that would be fun.", I said. We walked to the village. We hid behind a house and watched his sisters. There was Julieta with Agustín and Pepa with a little man. They looked so cute.

After a while it was getting late.
"I will bring you home.", he said and took my hand. We were walking to my home.
"Will I see you tonight?", I asked.
"Of corse you will.", he said.
The rest of the way we walked without talking. But it wasn't awkward. It was accually beautiful to see that even if you didn't talk to each other it was still fun spending time with each other.
"See you tonight.", he said when he brought me to my door.
"See you tonight, Bruno.", I said while holding his hands. I got on the tips of my feet to be as tall as he was and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and walked home.

I got inside and sat down at the dinner table. My mother was also there and brought me food.
"What did you do today?", she asked me.
"I spend the day with my friends.", I said.
"With Julieta, Pepa and Bruno.", I said.
"What did you do?", she asked.
"We were going shopping.", I said.
"That's cool.", she said. We ate dinner.

After I finshed I said goodbye to my mother and walked into my room. I watched the sunset. Today it was special. I didn't even know why. It just was. When it was dark I sneaked out of the house just like the past days. I got to the bridge. There was Bruno with a bucket and a spatula.
"I thought we could repair the bridge if you want to. It annoys me everytime I see it.", he said.
"Sure.", I said and took the bucket.
"I'm jorge, I made the spackle.", I said in a deep voice and lifted up the spatula in my hand. The bucket in the other. He laughed.
"Give me that spatula.", he said still giggeling.
"Are you sure? You could fall down the bridge.", I said.
"I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing.", he said in a dramatic deep voice. I started laughing. He did to at the beginning but then he stopped and just watched my giggeling. His eyes were open wide and he smiled like there was nothing else in the world then us. He got closer to me and hugged me very thightly. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. I returned the hug. He seemed like he needed this right now.

After a while I asked him what's wrong.
"It's nothing I just wanted to hug you.", he said while still embracing me. Then he got away and took the spatula. We started to repair the bridge.

When we were finished we got to the woods and layed down at our spot. He offered me his arm to lay my head on when we were laying on the ground. I laid down. We were cuddling. We laid there until a butterfly came to us. It landed on my nose. It was just like to one I saw at the river. It was white with a green shimer. It flu away again.
"I think I have to go home.", I said.
"Sure let me bring you home.", he said and helped me up.

We walked slowly.
"Is everything okay?", I asked.
"Yes, I just like being near you.", he said. I smiled.
I wrapped my arms around his right arm. We walked until we were infront of my house.
"Y/N.", he said.
"Yes, Bruno?", I said. He took my hands into his.
"Thank you.", he said.
"For what?", I asked.
"For everything.", he said and plased a kiss on my forhead. It was a long and meaningful kiss. He held my hands very thight. When he finshed with the forhead kiss he laid his forhead on mine. We closed our eyes.
"Thank you for being my friend.", he said.
"No problem.", I said and stroked the back of his hand with my thumb. Our noses touched. We opened our eyes and stared into each others eyes and started giggeling. He placed another kiss on my forhead. We hugged. His hand was on the back of my head and he strocked it. I laid my head on his chest. He laid his head on mine and we were just standing like that for a while.

"I'm sorry for killing the moment but I have to go home.", he said.
"Mhm, in a secound.", I said and hugged him again. He placed a kiss on my head and got away from me. He placed a long kiss on my hand.
"See you soon.", he said. I kissed his cheek.
"See you sonn.", I said and let him go. He smirked. I chuckled. I watched him leave. I smiled and waited until I couldn't see him anymore.
I got into my room and looked out the window so I could see him. I waited until he got into the casita. I laid down at my bed and fell asleep.

(A short chapter but I hope you liked it<33)

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now