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The house started falling apart. I could escape it with Bruno.
We saw Mirabel reaching for the candle.
"She's not gonna make it! She will fall!", I said and stood up as fast as I could. I ran towards the house. Bruno grabbed my arm.
"If you go in there you might will not make it out alive again. Please. Everything will be alright.", he said.
"It's Mirabel and I won't just stand here and do nothing.", I said and ran towards the house.

The others were trying to get Mirabel out of there. But they couldn't do it. Casita threw us outside but Mirabel was still in the house.
"Mirabel!", I screamed. She looked at me.
"You have to come down!!", I screamed.
"No, I'm almost there!", she said. The house collapsed with her in it.

We searched for her and made sure everyone was okay. Julieta found Mirabel when Pepa called her. Julieta walked away and I wanted to see if Bruno was doing good.

I walked into the forest. He was sitting there at the ground.
"BRUNO!", I screamed and ran to him. I cupped his face with my hands and turned his head around to check if he had any injuries. His checks were pushed together. His lips looked like those from a fish.
"Are you okay?", I asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. But there's one thing that isn't good.", he said.
"What?", I asked worried.
"You're lips aren't on mine.", he said and kissed me.

He laid down at the ground. I was sitting next to him kissing him. His hand was on my neck pushing me to him. I got on top of him. His other hand was on my back and slowly got down. He pushed my body against his. My hands were on his chest. His heart was beating so fast while his tongue was escaping his mouth and coming inside mine. He was so gentle. I did the same. Suddently a moan escaped his mouth. It was louder then usually.
"I'm sorry.", he chuckled.
"It's fine. It accually turns me on.", I whispered.
"Really?", he asked while grinning at me. I nodded.
"I will try to do it more often then.", he said.
I laughed.
"But what if I'm to loud?", he said.
"You can't be too loud for me.", I said.
"Don't try to be quieter than you accually want to be. Be as loud as you want. You can do anything to me. I trust you completely.", I said. I felt something get hard. I smiled down at him. He was so overwhelmed with the information I just gave him. He started smiling.
"I want you right now and right here.", he said and rolled me over so he would be on top. He kissed me again.

"MIRABEL!!!", someone yelled. We stopped.
"We have to get away from here.", he whispered. He took my hand and walked deeper into the forest. We started searching her too.

I could see he was still turned on. I touched his hand and it shiffered down his spine.
"Are you okay?", I asked. He looked so nervous.
"Yes I'm fine.", he said. I knew he was lying.
"And?", I said.
"And... I'm sorry but I don't want to wait anymore. You know that I love you with my whole heart but I just want to fuck you right now and I can't think straight anymore. I'm so sorry but I'm fifty years old and I'm still a virgin. I just want to have sex with you. But I can understand if you don't want to... I just wanted to finally tell someone.", he said. I smiled at him.
"You can have me anytime.", I said and got closer to him so his back was on a tree. He chuckled.
"But I want it to be something special.", he said and putted his hand on my cheek and lifted up my chin so I would face him even more.
I didn't know if I wanted to say 'Aw' or just go in his room so I could finally have sex with him.

"MIRABEL!", someone screamed.
"We have to find her first.", he said and walked deeper into the forest. We spotted two horses so we got on top of them and got to the river. Maybe she was there.

We stopped when we were almost at the river. We saw Alma and Mirabel standing there. Bruno ran through the tree with his horse.
"She didn't do this!", he said and tried to climb down of the horse.
"I gave her a vision!", he said. One of his legs were still on the horse. The other one was standing on the ground. He fell.
"It was me. I was like 'Go!' and she was like 'PFWF!", he said and did something with his hand.
"She only wanted to help! I don't care what you think of me but if you're to stubborn to...", he said while Alma hugged him. He was so confused.
"Brunito.", she said.
"I feel like I missed something important.", he said. I was coming out of the trees with my horse.
"Come on.", Mirabel said and walked to me and climbed up my horse. Alma gave her son a kiss on the cheek and took his hand. They were on his horse.
"Wh-what what's happening?", he asked.
"Where are we going?", he asked.
"Home.", Mirabel said and the horses started to run.

We got to the destroyed casita.
"MIRABEL?!?!?", Julieta screamed and ran to her. Alma got down from the horse. I stayed there with Bruno. He was so confused. Mirabel started to sing something. I walked near them with Bruno. Alma showed Bruno to everyone. They were shocked. Julieta and Pepa hugged him.
Camilo was confused. Bruno said sorry to Pepa for ruining her wedding. He just saw she was sweating.
The whole town came to help us built up the house again. We worked everyday.

Today at night I went on a walk with Bruno. We got into our spot in the forest.
"It has been a while since we were here.", he said.
"Yes. Do you remember what we did here?", I asked.
"I looked into your future for the first time here and we made out right here until the rats watched us.", he said.
"We should repeat that.", I said and rolled over so I could kiss him.
"Y/N. I have to tell you something. When I looked into your future I saw who the man was but I wasn't sure so I looked into my future to be sure I was right and the man that was with you was...", he said.
"You.", I said. He nodded. I smiled.
"Aren't you mad that I didn't told you it when I found out?", he asked.
"A little bit. But I already knew so why should I be mad.", I said. We cuddled.

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now