Chapter 1 - Amazing paradise

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Welcome to Candyland! An amazing paradise where instead of rivers filled with water, the rivers consist of melted chocolate. Houses are made of gingerbread. Where citizens are cookies, and the creatures of Candyland are made of desserts! Cupcakes as puppies, white chocolate as kittens, gummy bears as forest animals... Doesn't this world seem like paradise?

Just like any other world, Candyland is divided into five kingdoms. There are three major kingdoms though: the Light Kingdom, the Shadow Kingdom, and the Love Kingdom. These three kingdoms are ruled over by queens, chosen by the king of Candyland: Sugar Cookie. Or as we call him here, King Sugar.

When she was only six years old, a young cookie named Marshmallow Cookie was playing with her older brother, Espresso Cookie. They were having fun as siblings, whilst their parents were watching them playing together.

— Oh, how I've been blessed with such beautiful and kind-hearted children! What did I do to deserve such a wonderful family? said the mother, Latte Cookie, to her husband.

— I know, sweetheart. Our children will grow up to have amazing lives! replied Mint Chip Cookie (the dad).

Espresso Cookie looked over at his little sister, Marshmallow Cookie.

— Little sister? he said.

— Yes, big brother?

— Promise me that we will always stick together, okay? he asked. Till death do us part! Pinky promise?

— Pinky promise forever! Till death do us part!, big brother! Hooray! she answered.

Such cute siblings! Espresso Cookie and Marshmallow Cookie deserved their happiness and their wonderful life with their wonderful mother and father.

But this joy wouldn't last for long...

Someone knocked on the door. Latte Cookie got up to go and opened the door for whoever it was. And... It was the king! It was King Sugar! Why was he at the door? After all, Marshmallow Cookie's family were just simple commoners who owned the best cafe in the Light Kingdom! That's all.
— Oh, Your Majesty! If I may, why are you here at our door? We are just simple peasants in your presence! bowed Latte Cookie.

Once he saw them, Mint Chip Cookie bowed as well. His children also bowed.

— Even if you aren't royalty, I respect your family gratefully. I've heard of your amazing cafe, here in the Light Kingdom. How scrumptious your croissants are! said King Sugar. But that's not the reason why I'm here...

— Then, why are you here, Your Majesty, if you mind me asking? said Mint Chip Cookie.

One of King Sugar's knights showed a contract. At the bottom of the contract was asked for Mint Chip Cookie and Latte Cookie's signature, for some reason.

— A contract? I don't understand...

— You don't need to guess, I'll explain everything! started the ruler. As you may know, for nearly a thousand years, I've been the king of Candyland. It is extremely hard, looking after five kingdoms and an entire world at the same time! So, I've decided to recruit some help. I am going in every kingdom to find one worthy ruler for each kingdom! I will bring these five children to my castle for training. Their coronation will be held once they're eighteen years old.

The parents were shocked. If they were understanding correctly what King Sugar was saying, he was going to make one of their children the new king or queen of the Light Kingdom? How could they not be excited after hearing such great news?

— OK! Great! I'll sign the contract! said Mint Chip Cookie. My wife will sign it too!

— Of course! she said.

Espresso Cookie, being ten years old at the time, understood what was happening exactly. Him or his sister would be taken away and brought to King Sugar's castle for training, with four other kids. As much as being a king or queen sounded amazing, he didn't want to be separated from his younger sister.

Being only six years old, on her side of the story, Marshmallow Cookie didn't really understand what was happening. She was way too busy playing with her toys, anyways!

Once they were done signing the contract, they asked:

— So, which one of our kids will you be taking?

— I've decided to make your daughter, Marshmallow Cookie, queen of the Light Kingdom. At the moment, she will only be a princess, of course. But once she's done her training, she'll have her own coronation ceremony and have an official title as queen! he explained.

The big brother looked shocked after hearing this. If his parents weren't shallow, they wouldn't let King Sugar take away his little sister, Marshmallow Cookie... right?

— Deal! Is it okay if we bring her to your castle by tomorrow morning?

— It can be any time this week! Just not next week, since training starts by then.

— Great! replied Latte Cookie. See you then!


Arrived in King Sugar's palace, Marshmallow Cookie was told to follow the knights all the way to her new bedroom. To her new life... as a princess and future queen of the Light Kingdom.

She was going to be sharing a bedroom with two other cookies, the future queens of the Shadow Kingdom and Love Kingdom.

One of them was sitting on her bed, drawing. This girl had white hair in space buns and purple galactic-colored eyes. Her eyes were so magnetic...

The other princess was playing with her dolls on her bed. She had red hair in two pigtails with bangs and red eyes.

Once this girl saw Marshmallow Cookie enter the bedroom, she jumped out of her bed and ran to give her a hug. The knights shortly left the room afterwards.

— Hi! What's your name? Mine's Skittles Cookie! I love the color red, flowers, and playing with my dollies! I used to live in the Love Kingdom with my mommy and daddy! said the little cookie.

— Hewo! My name is Marshmallow Cookie and I lived with my mommy, daddy, and big brother, Espresso Cookie! Can I see your dollies? answered Marshmallow Cookie.

— Of course! said Skittles Cookie, with joy.

Later, while they were playing with their dolls, Marshmallow Cookie decided to ask her new friend a question:

— Who is she? she asked, pointing at the other princess.

— Oh, that's Pancake Cookie. She used to live in the Shadow Kingdom with her parents! She and her younger brother, Maple Syrup Cookie, were brought here. He'll become king of the Nature Kingdom, and her, queen of the Shadow Kingdom. Pancake Cookie is also very shy, that's why she's alone on her bed!

— How old is she?

— She's a few years older than us... She's actually eight. Her little brother is six.

— How old are you?

— I'm six years old!

Really?!!? I'm six years old too! By the way, my mommy and daddy told me that I'm the future queen of the Light Kingdom!

— Really? Awesome! Me, I'll be the queen of the Love Kingdom when I'm older!

Quickly, over the years, Marshmallow Cookie got to know her roommates. Pancake Cookie was caring, loyal, and generous. Skittles Cookie was very outgoing, active, and kind.

She even met the other princess and prince. The future queen of the Frost Kingdom is named Ice Cream Cookie and as already told, the future king of the Nature Kingdom is called Maple Syrup Cookie. And how adorable he was! 

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