Chapter 12 - Legend of the Frost Witch

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— Next artifact, the artifact of the Frost Kingdom! said Ice Cream Cookie.

— Ah, yes! The Crystal of Ice, a missing artifact of the Frost Kingdom, said Maple Syrup Cookie.

— It should be right around the corner. On the map, it says that you can find the Crystal of Ice at the top of the Frost Witch's ice castle, on top of her throne, said Pancake Cookie while looking at the map she was holding.

Marshmallow Cookie got nervous.

— But isn't the Frost Witch the witch that steals the souls of cookies with a snowflake mark on their forehead? she asked, nervously and with fear.

Pancake Cookie laughed.

— You still believe that dumb fairytale? Oh, please! Everyone knows that our adults tell it to kids just to scare them. The Frost Witch doesn't exist, Marshmallow Cookie! Don't be silly!

Even with Pancake Cookie's explanations, Marshmallow Cookie didn't believe her friend. Maybe the legend of the Frost Witch is real, and that she does exist? Oh, well! She would have to find out sooner or later, once she arrived at the ice palace.


After hours and hours of walking, they finally made it to the frozen side of the dark forests. The legends say that the Frost Witch's castle is on this frozen side, because she hated the warmth and pureness of the village cookies' hearts. Her heart was frozen, and cold. That's why every century, one unlucky child is cursed with the snowflake mark on their forehead, they get cursed with a terrible disease making their cookie dough and Jam-heart becoming colder and colder per every second of the day. Then, they get taken away by the Frost Witch, who takes their Jam-heart, hoping that her very own heart would get warmer and warmer.

The four cookies were getting closer to the Frost Witch's palace. The closer they got, the more Marshmallow Cookie was afraid and worried.

If her ice castle exists, then doesn't that mean that she exists? she thought to herself, thinking about the Frost Witch.

On her side of the story, Ice Cream Cookie seemed confident and kept on saying that grabbing the Crystal of Ice would be a "easy-peasy lemon-squeezy". She didn't seem worried about the fact that the Frost Witch actually may exist! People would say that she just jinxed it, but what they didn't know is that there was going to be a huge twist to this story.

— So this is the ice castle? asked Maple Syrup Cookie.

— Yep. Looks like it, responded his sister.

— Then let's go in! said Ice Cream Cookie.

Pancake Cookie and Maple Syrup Cookie looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and walking up the frozen stairs along with the ex-queen of the Frost Kingdom.
But Marshmallow Cookie seemed more hesitant to walk up these stairs. A part of her knew that the Frost Witch probably didn't even exist and that it was just some silly legend. Another part of her still believed this fairytale for kids.

— Marshmallow Cookie? Are you coming or what? asked Pancake Cookie to her friend.

— Oh! Um, yes. I'm coming! she answered.

Who cares if the Frost Witch is real... I don't even have the snowflake mark on my forehead! None of us do, for a fact! So we're safe, even if we're breaking into her castle, said Marshmallow Cookie in her head to make herself more confident.

She was going up the stairs with her friends until they saw the actual Frost Witch. Pancake Cookie was stunned, she looked as if she were about to faint! Maple Syrup Cookie was scared, and was hiding behind his older sister. Marshmallow Cookie just let go « I told you so! » to her friend. And Ice Cream Cookie? Well...

She ran to the Frost Witch and gave her a huge hug! How could she give a literal witch a hug?

— Mom! I missed you so much! she yelled.

— I love you too, said the Frost Witch.

The three cookies were too shocked to speak.

The Frost Witch was Ice Cream Cookie's mother? How could this be true?

— Guys, I present to you my mom! said Ice Cream Cookie.

— Hello! I'm Ocean Cookie, she said.

Ocean Cookie? Wasn't she named the Frost Witch?

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