Chapter 5 - Dangerous decisions

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The war between the Light Kingdom and the Love Kingdom was just about to start when Marshmallow Cookie was called to the Candy Palace, King Sugar's castle, for an important meeting. Obviously, she accepted. But once she saw who else was at the Candy Palace, she immediately regretted her decision to attend the meeting with King Sugar...

The witch was there. S'mores Cookie was there. AKA, the girl who literally just brainwashed Queen Skittles and replaced all of her memories. Why was this wicked witch here?

— You call me, King Sugar?

— Yes, I did. And I called, um, Skittles Cookie's new friend here as well, he replied.

He cleared his throat.

This conversation was quite awkward. Marshmallow Cookie was glaring at S'mores Cookie. That witch had ruined her friendship, what did she want now?

— I've heard about the war between you and Queen Skittles... Such as the war between the Light Kingdom and the Love Kingdom.

After the ruler of Candyland said that, Marshmallow Cookie was glad. Maybe he was going to throw the witch into the dungeon... Oh, yes! That would be amazing news!

Or he would say that he'll go talk to Skittles Cookie and ask her to stop this war unless she's willing to take the risk of losing her throne and being replaced. Even if that was the case, being the true and pure-hearted friend she is, Queen Marshmallow would never want her friend to be replaced. That would just be awful!

— Seeing as Queen Skittles demands that S'mores Cookie becomes the new queen of Candyland, I must replace you, sadly, with her in order to stop this war.

Queen Marshmallow was in shock. And in tears, now. She was going to be replaced with S'mores Cookie? Was she even awake at this point or was this just some bad dream? Yet, it's so realistic. She pinched herself to be sure, and she came to the next conclusion: she wasn't dreaming. This was reality. She was going to be replaced by a witch who brainwashed her friend and is going to summon demons and monsters upon Candyland. How could King Sugar do this to her?

— Why are you doing this to me?!!? she cried. If you weren't going to keep me as queen, at least don't even pick me in the first place for the Light Kingdom! Now, because of you, I lost not only my brother and friend, but my entire kingdom! Everything I've worked for so hard, gone. I've wasted nearly eighteen years of my life to be queen, and now you're going to make me waste even more time? Wow, how cruel of you. I can't believe I saw you as a father figure all these years, she said coldly.

King Sugar felt guilty. After all, Marshmallow Cookie wasn't wrong about him wasting eighteen years of her life just for her to be replaced by some evil witch such as S'mores Cookie!

Marshmallow Cookie was about to exit the building when S'mores Cookie smirked:

— Don't forget to give me my crown! By the way, don't even try going to the Light Palace, it's mine now.

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