Chapter 21 - Game over, wicked witch!

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 They rushed to the cell where Maple Syrup Cookie and Ice Cream Cookie were being kept at.

— Marshmallow Cookie? Pancake Cookie? they said when they saw them.

— Don't ask any questions, we don't have time! said Marshmallow Cookie while unlocking the cell door. Quickly, we have to get out of the dungeon before the guards bring us to S'mores Cookie so she can take our powers away!

— Wait, what?

— I said no questions!

Once they had escaped, Pancake Cookie created another illusion of her brother and friend, trapped inside the other cell in the dungeon. The four of them rushed with the ancient artifacts and ran to the main hall, where Empress S'mores was sitting like a spoiled queen on the throne of the Candy Palace, along with Queen Skittles standing right beside her like a slave. (Well, Queen Skittles technically is her slave, seeing as she's being used by Empress S'mores.)

When S'mores Cookie saw them, she yelled in rage:


That is none of your concern, you wicked witch!

— That is no way to speak to your empress, peasant! yelled Skittles Cookie, who was still under the witch's spell.

— You mean « your soon-to-be prisoner for violating the law and for use of dark magic »? said Ice Cream Cookie with a smile across her cookie face.

S'mores Cookie growled. She was so angry! You would have said that her cookie dough would start cracking as a result of her rage. It was hilarious!

— Anyways, what are you going to do now that you're free? Use the power of friendship to stop me? Slap me? Ha, ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! I could steal your powers and magical abilities at any moment, and you wouldn't even see it coming!

— What's stopping you then, huh? said Marshmallow Cookie, with confidence.

After that remark, she was angered and was about to charge at them with her dark spell, but somehow, there was a barrier that had spawned around them.
— H- How is this possible?! The Shield of the Elements could only be summoned once the energy and power of the Five Artifacts are combined! It's Skittles Cookie who has the Mirror of Truth, the artifact of the Love Kingdom! This... This doesn't make any sense! yelled S'mores Cookie.

— You forgot one thing, S'mores Cookie. You may have brainwashed Skittles Cookie and let her dark side have control over her body, but there is always light in everybody! Skittles Cookie's light side brought out the love of the Mirror of Truth, an act of love which generates its power after being lost for years! Despite the fact that she can't physically help us, she can emotionally and mentally use the Mirror of Truth for good, in order to help us to defeat you! explained Pancake Cookie.

S'mores Cookie was too stunned to speak.

How could her perfectly non-flawless plan end up being flawless? Why didn't she think of that? Ugh, and why did she put them in the same cell as Sugar Cookie, who, clearly, gave them enough inspiration to get their hopes back up and restore faith in them?

— Game over, wicked witch. Your plan is clearly flawed, and we just proved it. Now, with the power of the Five Artifacts brought down by the Ancient Legendary Heroes of Candyland, we will defeat you, wicked witch! Today is your end, S'mores Cookie, smirked Marshmallow Cookie.

— No... This isn't possible!

In her corner, Skittles Cookie was shocked.


Inside, Skittles Cookie felt bad. She didn't know what had gotten into her... Growing up, she had always been a cheerful little cookie. All the kids and adults in her neighborhood knew that she would become something amazing in the future, even her family. She was the golden child. Her smile could make even the saddest of people into the happiest! It's easy enough to understand why King Sugar had chosen her as the next queen of the Love Kingdom.

Sadly, when she was kidnapped by S'mores Cookie, she was brainwashed. Her memories of her friends and family, erased. Her

entire personality, erased as well. She was no longer the happy little girl we knew her to be...


The four cookies combined their magic with the powers of the Five Artifacts.

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