Chapter 9 - Her evil scheme

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 Marshmallow Cookie didn't have the time to answer any of Pancake Cookie's messages. She had to run! Skittles Cookie and S'mores Cookie were at her door! They were probably planning on capturing her too! What if they would, as well, take all of her powers and her magic?

She ran out of the house from the backyard. She started running all around Candyland, to the Shadow Kingdom. Once she arrived there, she ran to Pancake Cookie and Maple Syrup Cookie's house.

— Pancake Cookie! Maple Syrup Cookie! You have to flee the kingdoms! S'mores Cookie and Skittles Cookie are stopping at our doors to capture us and steal all of our powers, just like she did to King Sugar! she explained, in a hurry and yelling.

— Alright! I'll send a message to Ice Cream Cookie, said Maple Syrup Cookie.

He sent a message to Ice Cream Cookie and told his sister and his friend to follow him, saying that "he knew the perfect place to hide".

They ran to the dark forests of Candyland to hide there. At least, there, they would be safe...


— Hello! Are you Marshmallow Cookie's parents? asked S'mores Cookie.

— Yes, why do you ask? said Mint Chip Cookie.

— Well, we just wanted to talk to her, lied the empress.

— Oh, well she's not home, said Latte Cookie.

— Then you won't mind if we check the entire house, now will you? said Skittles Cookie.

— No.
The evil empress and the love queen started searching the entire house. Top to bottom! Finally, on the last floor, Marshmallow Cookie's bedroom.

They didn't find anyone, but they did find her phone... S'mores Cookie started reading all of the messages, and even the ones in Marshmallow Cookie's group chat.

So she knows about our plan, huh? she said to herself. And they're heading towards the dark forests, in the north of Candyland? Interesting...

— Skittles Cookie, I think it's finally time for me to summon my monsters upon the dark forests of Candyland. If they don't end up capturing those pesky little cookies, then you will. You'll capture them at the end of the forest.

— But why would they go all the way over there? she asked.

— Isn't it obvious? They'll try to stop us. In order to stop us, they need to find the Five Artifacts of Candyland. With those artifacts, they can use it's energy to stop our dark magic. One of the five artifacts is your mirror, the Mirror of the Truth. Guessing, Maple Syrup Cookie will try to track it down... So we'll hack all of the trackers, making them think that the last artifact is at the end of the forest. Understand?
Wow! S'mores Cookie really was ready for this.


In the dark forests, the five ex-queens and the ex-king stopped in front of a certain tree. A tree that stuck out from the others... 

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