Chapter 13 - Crystal of Ice

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 The three cookies waved nervously at the Frost Witch (or should I say Ocean Cookie?). Marshmallow Cookie decided to break the ice by saying:

— So, you're the Frost Witch?

— Yes... and no.

— What is that supposed to mean?!

Ice Cream Cookie's mom took a deep breath before answering her daughter's friend's questions.

— The legend of the Frost Witch is a lie. You see, there is always a source. It's the same system with us, the snowflake children. The first Frost Witch was, as well, the first snowflake-marked cookie. She didn't want to stay alone forever with a frozen heart, so she started a curse for every century. She would curse one unlucky child with the snowflake mark and pass on her curse to them, so she could be free from her disease. The child that she cursed would have to curse another soul to be freed themselves. This cycle kept on going, until I was cursed. I didn't want to see anybody else suffer and I especially didn't want to pass on my cures to someone else...

— So you decided to keep your curse...

— Yes. That's why Ice Cream Cookie, my lovely daughter, visits me every weekend here. So when she told me about S'mores Cookie and Skittles Cookie, I was furious. If you want, you can all stay at my palace, in safety, without needing to worry about those witches, said Ocean Cookie.

— Oh, thank you, Mrs. Ocean! said Pancake Cookie.

— You can just call me Ocean Cookie. « Mrs. Ocean » makes me sound like an old lady, yet, I'm only in my late thirties! she laughed.

It was already noon and they were hungry. Ice Cream Cookie's mom had offered them to eat at the table and gave them lunch, her very own secret recipe. And how scrumbscious it was, truly!


After lunch, Ice Cream Cookie was in front of her mom's ice castle when she spotted something from far away.

Huh? What is that? she asked herself. Are those... Soft-serve zombies and more jelly monsters?! Ugh, that S'mores Cookie really wants to capture us that badly, huh?

She ran back upstairs and alerted her mom and her friends about the soft-serve zombies and jelly monsters getting closer to the ice palace.

— Just let me deal with them. Nobody messes with my daughter and her friends, on my watch! said her mother, getting up from her throne.

She went outside and started fighting them off.

And boy, was she powerful!

Shatter! she casted, making shards of ice from the ground go through the monster's heart.

All of the soft-serve zombies and jelly monsters were gone. But then, while she was heading back inside of the castle... some sugar trolls were attacking her and kicked her to the ground!

Once she saw her mother being attacked, all of Ice Cream Cookie's anger came out. She wasn't quiet anymore, she was furious, just like her mother when she found out about what Empress S'mores and Queen Skittles did to her daughter.

Ice Cream Cookie ran outside and casted:

Frozen crystal!

All of the sugar trolls had vanished, they lost!

Suddenly, an ice crystal started floating and came to Ice Cream Cookie, with a magical voice saying:

An act of love that can warm up a frozen heart is an act of loyalty and kindness... Congratulations, Ice Cream Cookie! You are worthy for the connection of the Crystal of Ice!

Finally! They had found two of the artifacts, the Geode of Magic and the Crystal of Ice, and now, they only have three more to find.


S'mores Cookie, who had seen everything, was angry. Those cookies had beat her... again!

— These cookies are getting stronger and more powerful... Ugh! They, now, have the Geode of Magic and the Crystal of Ice. The next artifact is the Wand of Shadows, said S'mores Cookie. This time, I'll send a cake dragon!


— Next artifact, the artifact of the Shadow Kingdom! said Pancake Cookie.

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