Chapter 18 - Light of Wonders

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 The four friends started fighting the twizzly-gummy guardian, but he was too strong. In the end, Maple Syrup Cookie got attacked and flung across the Fountain of Dreams. Once Marshmallow Cookie saw, she had tears in her eyes and ran to him.

— MAPLE SYRUP COOKIE!!! she yelled in horror.
He had bruises and scratches, just like his friends, but even more bruises and scars. He looked as if his fragile cookie dough was about to break and crumble at any second!

— Maple Syrup Cookie, no!... she cried.
She lifted his body in for a long hug. She was in tears, crying, sobbing. Maple Syrup Cookie, the brother of her eldest best friend (Pancake Cookie), has always been there for her, especially during training. Whenever they were punished, they would sneakily watch the TV from the grand stairs. They were partners in crime. Marshmallow Cookie has always appreciated Maple Syrup Cookie.
— Marshmallow Cookie? Are you okay?

— No, she said, crying. I miss my big brother, Espresso Cookie. I miss my mommy and daddy. I miss my nice teacher, Mrs. Meyers.

— Well, just know that we will always be there for you! We are the chosen ones of King Sugar, and we must stick together. Traitors are just people who never belonged in our group in the first place, and that they belong somewhere else. That is NOT us. We will always stick together and be there for you, Marshmallow Cookie!

— Pinky promise?

— Pinky promise!

That was one of her earliest memories at the Candy Palace for princess training with King Sugar's royal advisors.

Maple Syrup Cookie has always been there for Marshmallow Cookie and has always kept his promises to her. He's an incredible friend. Apart from Skittles Cookie, he was her first friend (then it was his sister, Pancake Cookie, then Ice Cream Cookie).

One of Marshmallow Cookie's tears fell down onto Maple Syrup Cookie's face. Suddenly, the twizzly-gummy guardian had stopped attacking Pancake Cookie and Ice Cream Cookie.

A light that was on top of the statue of wisdom on top of the Fountain of Dreams got out and started floating towards them. Somehow, they were all healed and their bruises and scars were gone! And then, the light went to Marshmallow Cookie.

Compassion, care, and love: qualities that you have proven yourself to be holding today. Congratulations, Marshmallow Cookie! You have proven yourself worthy for the connection with the Light of Wonders, said the light.
It was the Light of Wonders!

They finally had four of the artifacts. The last one left, the one of the Love Kingdom, is the Mirror of Truth.


Once she saw everything through the crystal portal, she was stunned.

How did those pesky cookies even survive the twizzly-gummy guardian? He (or she?) is unbeatable! It was about to K.O. Maple Syrup Cookie and the others! UGH! thought Empress S'mores.

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