Chapter 22 - Lost ally

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 With their own power and the power of the Five Artifacts, a huge beam of five colours: yellow (Light of Wonders), purple (Wand of Shadows), blue (Crystal of Ice), and green (Geode of Magic). The beam hit S'mores Cookie, which broke her staff.

Once the smoke from the beam had vanished, we could see S'mores Cookie who was defeated, finally. She looked exhausted as if she had walked by foot to every corner of the world.

Suddenly, King Sugar had entered the main hall. His powers... They were back!

— Guards! Bring this prisoner to the dungeon, at last. She has unleashed too much chaos upon Candyland, she must be punished, he ordered the guards.

— Yes, your Majesty! they said.

While the guards were taking away S'mores Cookie, bringing her to the dungeon of the Candy Palace, she yelled:

— You... I will get my revenge, trust me! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! YOU HEAR ME?! Vengeance, I shall obtain! REVENGE!

Marshmallow Cookie looked at Skittles Cookie, curious. What if, now that S'mores Cookie's dark magic is gone, maybe the memory

spell had vanished as well? Well, she hoped so.

I hope that I'm right and that Skittles Cookie isn't cursed with the brainwashing spell anymore. I just want things to go back to normal. Just like before my birthday party, before that witch had ruined everything, she thought to herself.

She looked over at Skittles Cookie, went up to her. She was hesitating to talk to her, but she had to either way.

— Um, Skittles Cookie? Are you, like, still on S'mores Cookie's side? Well, are you still « game » for the Darkness? she asked.

The cookie in the red kimono looked at Marshmallow Cookie, confused. Then, she glared at her with anger.

— Duh, you freak! I will ALWAYS support the Darkness. Rather you like it, or not. And you are the worst for locking up my Master! I hate you, Marshmallow Cookie!
Marshmallow Cookie was shocked when Skittles Cookie told her that she hated her. For years, they've been best friends. She was her first ever friend, and her first ever best friend! It was thanks to her that she could feel cozy at the castle when they were just children. She started tearing up. How could Skittles Cookie betray her like this? Maybe Pancake Cookie was right. Dark magic can completely change someone. But they can't be changed back to the light side...

King Sugar went to Marshmallow Cookie and told her:

— I truly am proud, Marshmallow Cookie. Or should I say Queen Marshmallow? Despite the fact that S'mores Cookie is now locked up, we must throw Skittles Cookie in the dungeon as well. If she continues being queen, who knows what she's willing to risk in order to free her friend? he explained.

— I understand, King Sugar.


After the previous chaotic events that Candyland had to suffer, everything went back to normal. Marshmallow Cookie, Pancake Cookie, Maple Syrup Cookie, and Ice Cream Cookie went back to their previous lives as the rulers of the kingdoms in the land. King Sugar was back to being the king of Candyland, and S'mores Cookie and Skittles Cookie were put behind bars. They were arrested for playing with the forces of dark magic and unleashing chaos.

Marshmallow Cookie visited her parents, Latte Cookie and Mint Chip Cookie, more often. She grew closer to them when she was out of the castle after being replaced (temporarily) with the witch. She still misses her older brother, Espresso Cookie, who is still missing... Sigh. They'll reunite, one day.

Thanks to their daughter, Latte Cookie and Mint Chip Cookie were able to buy and open their very own cafe, once again, like when their daughter and son were only children, not adults.

In her bedroom in the Light Palace, Marshmallow Cookie was scrolling in her phone and found an article in the Candyland Journal.

The Soft-Love Cafe: backstory

In the Light Kingdom, a new cafe has opened. It's the Soft-Love Cafe, opened by none other than Latte Cookie and Mint Chip Cookie, the happy couple and parents of our queen, Queen Marshmallow.

During an interview, it was revealed that the story behind the cafe is truly heartwarming. You see, twenty years ago, they had opened the cafe, hoping to be able to pay rent. But after losing their kids (one went for training, the other, missing), they needed to sell it for rent. They were heartbroken, because it was filled with the only memories left they had of their children. Thanks to their lovely daughter, Queen Marshmallow, she was able to help them buy a new cafe. What a touching story! What a lovely family.

From your touching journalist,

Bitter Coffee Cookie

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