Chapter 6 - Back home

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 Being the saddest she has ever been, Marshmallow Cookie decided to pay her friend's castle a little visit, the Shadow Palace of the Shadow Kingdom. The castle of her (only) best friend, Queen Pancake.

Arrived there, she went to her friend. Queen Marshmallow's (more like ex-queen) eyes were red seeing as she had been crying the entire way to the Shadow Kingdom, sobbing.

Marshmallow Cookie! said Pancake Cookie in horror once she saw her friend. Are you OK? Why does it look like you've been crying for a long time? And... Where in the world is your crown?!

She couldn't even say a word.

Marshmallow Cookie was still in shock after what King Sugar had told her, the bad news; her getting replaced by S'mores Cookie. She just wished that that evil cookie would just disappear! Even if she was taught during princess training to have good morals and think of both sides of the story, she couldn't help herself. Her anger towards S'mores Cookie was huge, and it showed.

— King Sugar replaced me with that witch, she just mumbled to her friend.

Pancake Cookie was also in shock. Or was it horror? Anyways, she was furious.

— How could King Sugar replace such an awesome queen like you with a literal witch using dark magic from The Forbidden Spells such as S'mores Cookie! yelled Pancake Cookie in disbelief.

— He said that Skittles Cookie demanded that S'mores Cookie become queen of the Light Kingdom in order for the war between the Light Kingdom and the Love Kingdom to end, she replied.

Still! It's not a valid reason, in my opinion.

A vague memory of Marshmallow Cookie appeared in her head. Pancake Cookie used to be so shy and timid, she would barely speak a few words.

I guess that becoming queen of the Shadow Kingdom made her more social and outgoing, she thought to herself. Before, she would never even dare to defend herself, even if she was the one who was in the right, not the wrong!

— Are you sure that you're going to be OK? she asked. Y'know, you can always stay here, at the Shadow Palace!

— No, it's fine, Pancake Cookie. I'll go back to my parents' house, said Marshmallow Cookie.

— If you say so...

Pancake Cookie was so kind. She always had her friends back, and she never put her own needs in front of others. No wonder King Sugar had chosen her as queen of the Shadow Kingdom: with her kindness, the Shadow Kingdom would never be evil unlike that wicked S'mores Cookie!


Marshmallow Cookie was nervous. After all, she was about to open the door to her old home, the place where she grew up as a baby. The house of her parents, Mint Chip Cookie and Latte Cookie, along with her older brother, Espresso Cookie. She was so nervous. Would her parents be happy to see her after all of these years? Or not?

She knocked on the door, and her mother opened. Once this last one saw her daughter, she started crying of happiness.

— Honey! Our darling Marshmallow Cookie is back! 

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