Chapter 2 - Organising a party

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 — This party has to be perfect! My brother will be coming, and we haven't spoken since my coronation! said Marshmallow Cookie.

It's already been seventeen years since she left her home to live in King Sugar's palace in order to become queen. Now, it's been five years since her coronation, which was held on her eighteenth birthday. It was on that day exactly that she became Queen Marshmallow of the Light Kingdom.

Today is her birthday and she invited all of Candyland to attend it in her huge castle. She even invited her older brother, Espresso Cookie. She invited her friends, Queen Skittles, Queen Pancake, and King Maple Syrup. She, as well, invited the rest of her family and Queen Ice Cream.

— Don't worry, Marshmallow Cookie. Everything will go according to plan. After all, you have the best party planner helping you! said Pancake Cookie to calm down her friend.

Ever since she stopped being so shy and anxious around everybody, she was able to become one of Marshmallow Cookie's best friends. They had a lot in common. Marshmallow Cookie saw Pancake Cookie as the older sister she never had. The sibling she had, while she was separated from her true sibling: Espresso Cookie.

She was hoping to reunite with him and her parents at her grand masquerade ball.

« This will be a great opportunity! I'll be able to see my big brother all grown-up. Same goes for him! Oh, how excited I am! I missed him so much, all these seventeen years... But... Why didn't he try visiting me after my coronation ceremony? Or at least send me text messages, just like when I was in training before I was eighteen...? Sigh! »

So many thoughts were spinning round and round in her head, like a toy train. The last toy train she shared with her brother, before being taken away and brought to King Sugar's castle for training.

— Where is my bestie? yelled Skittles Cookie with happiness, entering the main hall of the castle.

— Oh, Skittles Cookie! You're right on time! Pancake Cookie was just helping me with the party planning.

Queen Pancake waved her hand at Queen Skittles.

Pancake Cookie's royal advisor entered the hall.
— Your Majesties, all of the invitation letters for Queen Marshmallow's grand ball have been sent. 126 out of 140 cookies from the Nature Kingdom, including the royal family, will be attending the party. 110 out of 130 of the Frost Kingdom, 134 out of 156 of the Love Kingdom, and 145 out of 160 of the Shadow Kingdom will be attending as well. And 140 out of 163 in our kingdom have already accepted the invitation! she showed.
— Thank you, my royal advisor. You can go rest in the guest bedrooms, replied Pancake Cookie.

— Thank you dearly, Your Majesty! Have a great day!


Somewhere in the Shadow Kingdom, a certain girl was crying in her bedroom. Oh, how beautiful she was! Why was she so sad? She had beautiful white hair mixed with brown, brown eyes, giving her a s'mores aesthetic.

« Why... », she thought to herself, « ... why does she have to be better than me? Just, why!? UGH! »

A light bulb lit up.

— I'll be better than her if I learn the most powerful magic in all of Candyland! Maybe then mother and father will be proud of me, she exclaimed.

She ran to her local library. Once she was inside, she looked left, right, up, down, behind, in front of her... Why? To make sure that nobody was watching her.

At a certain bookshelf, she took a book and pressed a secret hidden button which opened a door...

— Yes! The Hidden Library of the Dark Spells! she yelled in joy. Now, I just need to find the Forbidden Chapters...

She was searching and searching for a specific book under the name of The Forbidden Chapters. Why was this book so important to this young cookie?


Back at the Light Kingdom palace, the three queens were having fun, watching scary movies.

— Um... Is there going to be a... um... BLOODY part in this horror movie? asked Skittles Cookie.

— Of course there is, Skittles Cookie! What did you expect? This is literally a horror movie, it's The starring Cookiewise, a serial killer cookie! Seriously, what did you expect? said Pancake Cookie.

Pancake Cookie may seem all innocent, but she's quite dark. After all, she is the queen of the Shadow Kingdom!

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