Chapter 11 - Geode of Magic

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 It was already morning when Marshmallow Cookie woke up from her slumber. What a wonderful night she had! The evening before, she had fun with her friends, just hanging out, in the safety of the legendary cotton candy tree.

— Marshmallow Cookie! Come downstairs! yelled Pancake Cookie.

— Coming! she yelled back.

Downstairs, at the breakfast table, it was quieter than the previous day, for some unknown reason. Maple Syrup Cookie looked serious, even if he isn't the type to be serious. He's more or less of the type to always joke around, and it's more the type of his older sister, Pancake Cookie, to be ten times more serious than the entire Council of Crowns (the name of their group, from when they used to be the rulers of the kingdoms in Candyland).

Why is it so quiet? asked Marshmallow Cookie to herself. This is giving me weird vibes, to be honest... I don't like this awkward silence, c'mon! Somebody, please, talk!

Just like she wished for, Maple Syrup Cookie started the conversation.

— Last night, I found a way to reclaim our kingdoms, save King Sugar, and defeat the darkness and evil of the infamous S'mores Cookie, he said.

Marshmallow Cookie was super happy hearing the news.

I will be the queen of the Light Kingdom again! she thought to herself. This is amazing news! I don't understand why Maple Syrup Cookie looks so serious and not very happy, telling us about this news.

What she didn't know is that her questions were going to be answered in a short period of time.

— The only way to defeat Empress S'mores, and maybe even Queen Skittles, is to find the five artifacts, gain its energy and combine our four powers together against her. The first artifact is just around the corner, said Pancake Cookie.

— It's the artifact of my old kingdom, the Nature Kingdom. It's named the Geode of Magic. We can find it in the center of the heart of the Mystical Candy Statue, near our hideout in these forests, added Maple Syrup Cookie.

— But why are they in the dark forests and not in some museum? asked Marshmallow Cookie.

— Because, the legends say that thousands of years ago, during the Dark Age before the Dynasty of the Six Heroes (before the kingdoms were first created), Empress Cookie had ordered her servants of the darkness to send all of the five artifacts across the dark forests of Candyland, to stop the light from taking over. Haven't you learned anything in history class, in high school? said Ice Cream Cookie.

That was true. During the Dark Age, it was the notorious Empress Cookie who ruled over Candyland spreading fear, hate, and most importantly, darkness and corruption. But with the Dynasty of the Six Heroes, the six legends (including Sugar Cookie) had saved Candyland from Empress Cookie and ruled over the kingdoms. But then, the War of the Ovens began, and five of them disappeared... Only King Sugar survived, and the vanishing of his partners was the reason why he became king of all of Candyland. Sigh.


After breakfast, Maple Syrup Cookie opened the door of their tree-house. Once they were outside, they started wandering the forest. Being the oldest, wisest and most responsible of them all, Pancake Cookie brought a map with them so they could find the Mystical Candy Statue, where the Geode of Magic was hidden.

— Look! Look! There's the statue! yelled Marshmallow Cookie.

— Good job, Marshmallow Cookie! said Ice Cream Cookie.

The ex-king was trying to approach the statue in order to get the artifact of the Nature Kingdom, but then Pancake Cookie yelled in horror.

— Monsters! she screamed in terror.

They all turned around to see what was the matter. There were soft-serve zombies and jelly monsters! They were going to attack the ex-queen of the Shadow Kingdom!

Thankfully, Pancake Cookie used her shadow powers to attack the monsters.

S'mores Cookie wasn't kidding when she said that she was going to be summoning monsters from the Dark Age! thought Pancake Cookie to herself, whilst she was fighting off those monsters.

Suddenly, more soft-serve zombies and jelly monsters appeared. There were too many to fight off on her own! Ice Cream Cookie and Marshmallow Cookie joined Pancake Cookie to fight those candy creatures alongside her whilst Maple Syrup Cookie was trying to grab the Geode of Magic.

Instead of being able to just grab the Geode of Magic quickly, the statue kept on saying: « only the pure hearts of nature can connect with the Geode of Magic ».

C'mon, c'mon! Just let me grab the dang geode! he kept on repeating in his head like a toy train.

He heard a scream behind him.

A soft-serve zombie was about to attack his sister!

He teleported to the scene and used his maple-syrup powers to stick the zombie to the ground and used his nature powers to kill the zombie.

Nature, grow! he yelled.

Suddenly, all of the monsters were gone.

An act of bravery and of the pure hearts of nature, you have proven yourself to be worthy of the connection with the Geode of Magic, said the Mystical Candy Statue.


S'mores Cookie used the crystal portal to observe the fight scene. She was angry to find that Maple Syrup Cookie had defeated all of the soft-serve zombies and all of the jelly monsters.
Ugh! You'll see, you pesky cookies... The next monsters guarding the next artifact will capture you and bring you to me, one way or another! she thought to herself, angrily.


Back in the dark forests, Ice Cream Cookie said to the rest of her friends:

— Next artifact, the artifact of the Frost Kingdom!

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