Chapter 15 - Wand of Shadows

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 — Just a cookie, huh? Game on! said the Red Velvet Dragon.

The battle was brutal, and Maple Syrup Cookie had to surrender. He was getting completely destroyed by this half-cake dragon, half-cookie!

— You, with ice cream hair! he said, pointing at Ice Cream Cookie. Your turn!

Ice Cream Cookie tried fighting the Red Velvet Dragon like she did with the sugar trolls at the frozen side of the dark forests, but the half-cake dragon was way too strong for her. She had to surrender, otherwise, her delicate cookie dough would crumble and she would be reduced to nothing but cookie crumbs.

— Oh, what a pity. None of you are up for the challenge! It seems like it, at least.
— I'll be up for the challenge! said Marshmallow Cookie, with a bit too much confidence.

— Softie wants a try? Meh! It'll save me some time for nerd-girl over there, he said.
Marshmallow Cookie was so angry that she was called "softie". And Pancake Cookie was even more angry when the Red Velvet Dragon called her a "nerd". Sure, she was called a nerd before in elementary school when she was a kid, before going into training as a princess in King Sugar's Candy Palace. Now, the nickname "nerd" was making her angry. A bit too angry...

With her anger from being called a "softie", Marshmallow Cookie had almost defeated the Red Velvet Dragon. But then... HE STARTED HEALING HIMSELF!!!

— Hey! You're cheating, you're not allowed to heal yourself!

— Cheating? Ha! There are no rules, lil' softie. My game, my rules. And I say no rules! Haha! he laughed.

Once Marshmallow Cookie was defeated, Pancake Cookie already knew what she had to do. Her intellect would save her, seeing as she would win the Red Velvet Dragon's own game.

— C'mon, nerd-girl! Just surrender already, you can't beat me. Especially since you're just a girl, said the dragon.

Those last words were enough to make Pancake Cookie snap. She didn't use her powers, she used a shadow spell on him and another one to support her and keep on healing her up!

— Hey! That's cheating, you're using magical spells! You're not allowed to support and heal yourself! Especially not use ambush, defense, offense, or charge.

— Didn't you say that there are no rules? Are you, now, inventing stuff along the way? Such "maturity"... NOT! snickered Pancake Cookie.

The Red Velvet Dragon was defeated and turned back into his cookie form.

All of a sudden, the wand of shadows started floating and came to Pancake Cookie with a mysterious voice (again) saying:

You have proven yourself worthy with your intellect and courage, your act of bravery. You are now worthy of the connection of the Wand of Shadows! Congratulations, Pancake Cookie.

Finally! Three artifacts found, only two more to go.

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