Chapter 7 - Reunion and missing posters

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 — Oh my, we missed you so much! said Latte Cookie, having a sip of tea with her daughter on the couch.

— I missed you, dad, and big bro too! It feels great to be back home, she replied.

— What brings you back home? Don't you have your duties as queen of the kingdom?

That last question made Marshmallow Cookie feel uneasy. Should she tell her mother the (terrible) news?

— A witch named S'mores Cookie brainwashed Skittles Cookie into starting a war between her kingdom and mine. To stop it, she demanded for S'mores Cookie to become queen of the Light Kingdom. King Sugar accepted the request, and now... Well, I'm not queen anymore, she explained.

Her mother felt so sad for her daughter. Why wasn't she there at the right moment to make her own daughter feel better? She felt extremely guilty. Even more for shipping her to King Sugar's castle without a proper goodbye, separating her from her brother.

— So... Where's Espresso Cookie? she asked her mother.

Her father, Mint Chip Cookie, entered the living room. He looked... odd. Not at all like how she remembered him! Her dad was clean and proper, a real gentleman. But now... He looked more like a divorced dad who drinks too much apple juice, jeez! What a surprise, seeing her dad in this state!

— Espresso Cookie? Oh, he ran away after your coronation as queen, six years ago. He's been missing ever since, he answered shortly after she questioned him.

Marshmallow Cookie was, again, surprised. And she felt as if her heart was being shattered little by little. This day was officially her worst!

— But... Why did he run away?! she asked.

— I don't know, darling, answered her mom. Well, I think I know why...
Finally, a lead on the reason why her brother left and then went missing!

— He said that... your father and I were horrible parents for giving our daughter away just like that without a proper goodbye, she answered. Ever since then, your father and I have deeply regretted what we have done to our beloved daughter. Especially after your brother went missing, six years ago. That's why we were so happy to see you at our door, and it's also why I cried once I saw you. I was sad and felt guilty that I wasn't the one to see you grow up, to be there for you when you needed me the most... At least, I'm here now! We are here for you, now.

Oh, what a lovely family moment!

Afterwards, Marshmallow Cookie remembered her parents' old cafe. It was the best cafe in all of the Light Kingdom! Was it still open or did they shut it down?

— Hey! Do you still own your cafe? asked Marshmallow Cookie.

Her parents didn't answer.

They looked hesitant to answer their daughter, but Mint Chip Cookie decided to "spill the beans":

— No, sweetie. Your brother took over a hundred thousand dollars from us the night he ran away from home. As a result, we couldn't pay off the rent for the cafe, nor the bills. And since we couldn't afford to be homeless by using up all of our money and starving, we decided to just... sell the cafe. 

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