Chapter 8 - Taking over Candyland

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 It has, now, been a month since Marshmallow Cookie has been staying home with her parents. A month after her position as queen of the Light Kingdom was stolen by S'mores Cookie, the evil witch who had brainwashed her ex-best friend, Queen Skittles.

Marshmallow Cookie was in her bedroom when she received a text message on her iCookie phone. A text message from her best friend, Pancake Cookie... It said:

« Girl, S'mores Cookie is completely insane! She used the brainwashing spell to trick Skittles Cookie into starting a war along with her, between the Love and Light Kingdom against my kingdom, the Shadow Kingdom! She is insane! »

Marshmallow Cookie was surprised.

« No... Don't tell me that King Sugar did the same thing to you that he did to me! »

« You guessed it! He wanted to stop this war that could possibly become a world war and kicked me out of my own Shadow Palace. And he let S'mores Cookie become queen of my old kingdom. And she did that to my brother, Maple Syrup Cookie. And then, to Ice Cream Cookie, with the Frost Kingdom! Damn, she's literally becoming queen of all of Candyland, at this point. »

The ex-queen couldn't believe what she was reading on her biscuit phone. S'mores Cookie was creating wars in order to replace the rulers of all of the kingdoms in Candyland! She first took over the Light Kingdom (Marshmallow Cookie's), then the Shadow Kingdom (Pancake Cookie's), then the Nature Kingdom (Maple Syrup Cookie's), then lastly, the Frost Kingdom (Ice Cream Cookie's). This girl was insane! Completely insane! Zero sanity!

She sent a text message.

« So... What are we going to do now, huh? »

No reply.

« Oh no... »

« "Oh no" what, Pancake Cookie? »

« Didn't you get the news? S'mores Cookie is the new empress of Candyland! »

Marshmallow Cookie was both confused, surprised, and in horror. How could S'mores Cookie go from the ruler of multiple kingdoms to literal empress of the entire world, Candyland? Most importantly, how was King Sugar allowing this? Isn't King Sugar the king of Candyland?
« But... How, thought?! »

« S'mores Cookie used dark magic and used a spell to steal all of King Sugar's powers and magic. Without his powers, he was defenseless... Then, she captured him and threw him to the dungeon of the Candy Palace. She took the crown with her, and she's now the actual new empress of Candyland. »

How could all of this happen so quickly? How did all of this escalate so quickly? No, but like, how?!!?

— Marshmallow Cookie, darling! Run, get out of the house! Skittles Cookie and S'mores Cookie are at our door, go out by the backyard! yelled her mother from downstairs.

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