Chapter 19 - Betrayal

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 She was angry. How, exactly, did they defeat the twizzly-gummy guardian? That's when a light bulb lit up. Everytime that the loved one of one of them was hurt, that cookie would show a certain quality which would prove them worthy of a certain connection with the artifact they were searching for.

Pancake Cookie was about to be attacked by a hoard of soft-serve zombies, which made Maple Syrup Cookie save her, making it so that they got the Geode of Magic.

Ice Cream Cookie's mom got severely injured, and she saved her and ended up getting the Crystal of Ice in return.

Pancake Cookie saw all of her friends and brother getting hurt and had determination. Thanks to that, she got the Wand of Shadows.

Marshmallow Cookie saw her first friend, Maple Syrup Cookie, get hurt. Like that, she got the Light of Wonders for her act of love and compassion towards her friend.

So... If I get their hopes up then get them heartbroken, will they lose all hope in defeating us?... Perfect plan! But the question is... how? wondered S'mores Cookie.

That's when she got an amazing idea.

Who is the cookie that she took away from them? If you guessed Skittles Cookie, then BINGO!, you're completely correct.

I'm gonna make them think that Skittles Cookie ran away from me and wanted to be their friend again and help them. Oh, I'm an evil genius, aren't I? Haha! The plan is perfect.


The four friends had found four of the artifacts: the Geode of Magic, the Crystal of Ice, the Wand of Shadows, and the Light of Wonders. All that was left was the Mirror of Truth, the artifact of the Love Kingdom. The kingdom which Skittles Cookie rules along with her new "best friend", S'mores Cookie.

Just the mention of that witch's name makes Marshmallow Cookie feel so much anger and rage. That girl had ruined her life... At the same time, she never would've bonded more with Ice Cream Cookie and Maple Syrup Cookie if she never would've gotten the chance to experience this whole magical quest... Anyways!

Maple Syrup Cookie and Pancake Cookie were looking at each other's map to locate where the Mirror of Truth could be at.

— It's near the Fountain of Dreams, at the limits of the dark forests, bringing us back to the center of Candyland, near the Candy Palace, he said.

— Really? Well then, it's not that far away from where we are! See? My idea of skipping our breaks was an amazing idea.

— No, Marshmallow Cookie. You don't understand. This means that S'mores Cookie could come to the dark forests and if she finds us, we're doomed, explained Pancake Cookie.

— You're right...


After only five minutes of walking, the four cookies had arrived at the limits of these dark forests. Whilst Ice Cream Cookie was looking at her phone, Maple Syrup Cookie was playing with a rubix-cube, and Pancake Cookie was looking at their map, someone unexpected had shown up. Marshmallow Cookie was in shock, and yelled to her friends:

— Guys, look! It's... Skittles Cookie! She's crying!

They all stopped what they were doing and ran with Marshmallow Cookie to Skittles Cookie. Why was she crying? And what was she doing without her new "friend"?

— Skittles Cookie... Are you alright? asked Marshmallow Cookie.

— No... I'm so sorry for trying to hurt you, bestie! I got into an argument with S'mores Cookie, and then she said « UGH! I wish I never chose you to be my friend! I wish I took over your kingdom, just like all the other ones! » which, obviously, hurt my feelings. I ran here. I found out about your plan to defeat her...

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