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Nel's Note

It didn't work. I went back to you on my own and you refused to see me but you knew that. It was a conscious decision. I guess what goes around comes around. When Jared called about an even exchange of our belongings, I knew this was my only chance. I understand completely. I understand why you don't want to see me and that is why I hope Jared leaves this note on your nightstand, next to your gun and your latest bag of skittles. I'd like to explain myself if that is okay with you. I still want to be with you. I still love you... I just can't let you use me as a distraction anymore. I can't enable you, our career choice does that enough.

I promise you that I thought I was doing the right thing. DeVante, I've never seen more of myself in anyone but you. You have a gentle soul with the light to illuminate a million dark rooms. You deserve the best because you are the best. When it comes to us, I can't be the only one that sees that. I need you to see me in you. I need you to love you the way you love me and until you know how to do that, I don't think we are ready to be together forever. I certainly don't think we're ready to bring a child into this world.

You did your fair share of begging and now it is my turn to do mine. Please trust me. Please believe that I don't want anything but the best for the both of us. I'd love to marry you and I will. All you have to do is call me back. We can do this together but you need the space to heal. I'm not going anywhere and never will. I swear to you on my life that when you call, I will answer. You know where I live and you know the number. Please call me. I think about you everyday. I love you. Happy Birthday and good luck on the tour.

Your Nel

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