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"Get the fuck off my phone."

I laugh walking up the ramp of the airport's parking lot toward to my car. Jared hung up and I placed the phone into my pocket. That's my nigga right there. I know Jared is one of the few niggas out here riding until the wheels fall off. Cain't nobody ride for you like your own family– ai'ight that's a lie. I won't lie and say he don't make some funny moves sometimes though. Like his biggest, latest move– which was him dropping me off at Nel's house– I can't not talk about it. He really fucked up for that because he already know Nel's rule; If you can't stand up on your own two feet, get the fuck away from me. Them is her words, not mine and I know she be meaning it.

What I also know is, she got scared as hell when I passed out. I don't know why she act like she never seen me pass out before. Then, she turned on the water like I overdosed or something. What the fuck kind of intentions was behind that shit? I don't know. Since I'm the one who was drunk, I got to take the blame I guess. I was fucked up... that shit was fun– but Nel didn't feel the same.

As I'm driving home, it for real sinks in. I really did fuck up. If you ask me for my outlook on it, it's pretty fair. Nel had her fuck up at the beginning when she got drunk and thought this shit was an episode of Dynasty before running out the house into the fucking rain. You damn right I went after her crazy ass. I wasn't really all that mad until she booked her flight and went ghost on me for a week.

"What the fuck..." I say to myself lowly as I slow down by the pond.

There's this one pond down the street from my crib that everybody fuck with. In the winter it freezes over and everybody ice skates on it. It's March and that shit done thawed. Now, nobody really fucks with it. They only fuck with it in the winter, throughout summer, spring and fall ain't nobody there. That's sound about right, mothafuckas only fuck with you when you on top anyway. Seeing Nel standing there proves something else too. It says she's real.

Pulling over, I get out the car with it still running. My keys stay in my hand so that I can unlock the doors when I go back. That's later, right now I'm focused solely on Nel. Her hands reach into a bag as she throws out some mysterious shit into the water. Whatever it is, the geese is going crazy for it. She must have felt my presence because even thought she was spaced out like a bitch, she seemed to know exactly when to turn around. And when she did, she came running for me at full speed. Still tightly holding onto her bag, her arms wrap around my neck.

All I could do was laugh as I set her down on her own two feet.

"O–Okay, baby. Okay, baby." I laugh prying her hands from around neck. I hope she wasn't wearing any make up because then I'd have lipstick all over my damn face. "I missed you too, damn!" Nel steps back and she's all smiles. Her right hand lifts her hat off of her head. Babygirl is all bundled up. The slight red tint of her nose only further proves that she was cold. "Why your anemic ass out here knowing you cold? It's only sixty-four degrees."

"I was feeding the ducks," she giggles pointing behind herself. "We can go home now, if you want."

I shake my head. "Nah, nah, nah. We good, do you– mater 'a fact." I slide my jacket off and place it around her shoulders before following her to a bench that sits roughly five feet from where we stand. "So you be out here feeding ducks and geese and shit?"

"You know how I feel about animals. I got bored at home so I figured, why not– I was thinking, you want to go horseback riding with me?"

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