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In DeVante We...

Trust. Everybody loves to speak on the importance trust is, how you must trust your significant other. Everyone preaches on from this mythical guide to a successful relationship. I can't help but question why people aren't as understanding on why their partner is a little staggery when it comes to releasing that trust whether they deserve it or not. It takes a brave person to be able to trust until taken advantage of– if they're ever. There aren't too many couples that praise one another. Mine being one, since we both believe that trusting one another is one of those things that are given because we both earned it. While that's all fine and dandy, I can't ignore this voice sitting on my left shoulder. She sounds quite aggressive... maybe she has left over animosity from the year 1992, I'm not sure. This same voice stares DeVante in the eyes and repeatedly says;

Do you think I'm a fucking dummy?

There's no way Vita and Gina are talking random shit. As much as I'd love to listen to him, my gut tells me otherwise. I can't help but allow my inner thoughts linger closely to the rim of my brain. No sweat, my pet. What happens in the dark comes to the light. Whether it be De's bad doings or theirs... Bitch, fuck that. What the hell's going on?

"It's so dope that you'll be in New York way more now," Syb says placing down her card.

I carefully eye her two of spades and tactically place down my own five of spades. Look, this is my third book. We've only been playing two minutes.

She keeps talking as I reach my hand into the bowl of popcorn and Buffy plays her card. "You can always tell when you're around by the way DeVante acts."

"What do you mean," Buffy asks as she finally drops her own card. I hate playing cards with her. Mama will spend twenty minutes thinking to turn around and drop a two of diamonds knowing damn well we all rolling with spades. "Like, he smiles more?" You can hear the hopeless romantic oozing out of her vocal chords. Buffy loves a happy sappy couple.

Sybil nods.

"He shows up on time, he looks like he got at least five hours of sleep, he's way more pleasant to be around. He's just so... happy!"

Buffy squeals, "AWWWWWWWW!!!"

I throw Buffy an elbow eager for Syb to continue. "Anyway, whenever you aren't around he's obnoxious–"

I throw my head back in disbelief. "He better not be to you or I'll snap his damn neck in four pieces!" I can't imagine him being two-faced when I'm not around. Then again, you never know with men these days. "I mean, it's really not an issue. I can do all types of things to him."

Take that how you want.

"It's not like he's pulling a heads or tales on you or nothing. He's still the same De. It's like, he isn't obnoxious to certain people, he treats us the same, regardless. It's his actions that are obnoxious like the moves he makes. If you not here, he'll get bored and go out with JoJo. You already know it's downhill from there," says Syb.

I knew that he hung out with JoJo a little bit more than usual while I'm gone. As much as I love JoJo, he got bad habits. Actually, all of the boys have terrible habits. My thing is, whenever De and JoJo get together.... somebody's getting drunk. I don't really like that. I can't make him stay away from him for a boatload of reasons, one being that JoJo is my homeboy too! I can't imagine not being able to have fun unless your drunk. That's so... nevermind.

Crossing my legs to sit Indian style, my elbows rest on the sides of my knees. "Please don't tell me those funky ass magazine stories are actually realistic for once," I cry out embarrassed.

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