Chapter 5

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- Thalia's Pov -

"So what's my prize for saving you?" Loki asked rather flirtatiously in my ear. I bit my lip and shrugged "I think, a kiss for your knight in shining armour" he leaned in to kiss me. I think he was expecting me to pull away, but I didn't. Just at the last second Loki stopped and pulled away "If you don't tell me to stop, I really will kiss you" Loki joked puckering up for a second. Though for a split second, He had fear on his face. Was this man a noob at pickig up woman?

I snapped back to reality after the last comment and Loki got the response he was expecting, as he felt my hand slap him across his left cheekbone. I glared at him as I stood up and adjusted my ever so slightly too-short-for-comfort skirt (This outfit was Chris's idea) I huffed at him as I stormed off.

Why did I slap him?! I hid around the corner. I did one of those silent screams as I doubled over, Hiding my face in my hands. I don't know why I acted like that. I wanted to kiss Loki. but how can I kiss a man I just met? My life is not a Disney movie! I think Loki laughed at me. Or it could have been Chris. Eager to know, I stuck my head around the door frame.
"I take it she's not your type?" Chris joked as Loki sat on the barstool.
"No... I like mine a little more... or less..." Loki rubbed the side of his head as Chris slid him another drink.
"A little less argumentive?" Chris giggled, pointing at the red patch forming on Loki's cheek. Didn't realise that I hit him that hard. Damn, I really need to pull my punches.
"You could say that" Loki protested with a front of seriousness covering uncontrollable giggles.

They giggled for a while, but eventually when back to drinking and people watching. I couldn't hear much of the conversation as Stark turned the music on and he and Barton were singing some drunk song (I'll explain how I know some of The Avengers later on)
"I feel like I am was being watched," He said as he tried to nonchalant turn to look behind him. I hid in the shadows. Hopefully, he didn't see me 'Spying on him'. I knew Chris did and I knew I would get the third degree later.
"Perhaps you didn't fuck it up as bad as you thought?"
"My cheek says otherwise... anyways that is me done for the night, I think if I stay any longer I'll find out she has an angry boyfriend with a bone to pick with me... So I shall bid thee a goodnight" was Loki's response.
"One for the road?" Chris poured Loki one last drink before handing him the glass.
"Fine" Loki lifted it to his lips and downed it one. I hid in the shadows as he walked past me. He took a different route as he avoided his brother.

I went back to the bar and Chris pointed toward Loki.
"Go after him" Chris wiped the bar down.
"Why?" I frowned.
"You spent all afternoon talking about him. Like a schoolgirl that has a crush on a celebrity" Chris pours a shot of Vodka "Now down this"
"Why?" I strained the word as I pinched the cup and held it in the air.
"Liquid courage. You're gonna need it" Chris grinned as I did indeed down the drink "Now go after him and I won't be home tonight" Chris pointed to the door.
"You are a bad influence"
"I am your best friend, I'm allowed. See you tomorrow afternoon" Chris waved me bye. I put the shot glass down and walked briskly out of the room, Grabbing my coat on the way.

As I exited Stark Towers, I looked around. I don't know why expected to find Loki. He was gone now and I will never see him again. Cursing to myself, I went to the local takeaway and got a cheeseburger and chips. A small pizza as well and a chicken bucket. (Booze makes me hungry) I only lived around the corner so I didn't need to waste money on a cab.

As I turned onto my street, Loki was half was down it. Why was he here? I took a deep breath and sped up.
"You stalking me or something?" I spoke as Loki turned around.
"Thalia? Why are you here? I thought you would have been at the party still"
"Chris told me to apologise to you for slapping you but by the time I had worked up the courage too, You had already disappeared" I looked down at my food.
"Disappearing is my forte" Loki put his hands in his pocket "And yet you found me"
"Pure luck, I do live two buildings away" I pointed with a single finger further down the street.
"Really? Funny that I have never seen you here and yet I live in this building" Loki used his head to point to the building behind him.
"You live here?" I asked. I looked at the building next to mine.
"Yep" Loki smile back "Top floor"
"So you're the jazz playing hermit crab" I grinned as Loki raised an eyebrow at me.
"How else would I know your nickname is Tilly?" Loki smiled at me.
"Yeah, I didn't think about that. I hate my nicknames" I wish the ground would swallow me at this point "My Nanna calls me Tally and Chris calls me Tilly"
"I find your nicknames rather cute" Loki's eyes went wide as he finished that sentence "Sorry, I... I'd better go ... urm, yeah" Loki spun on his heel and went to his building's stairs.
"Wait!" I yelled a bit too loudly. Loki looked at me over his shoulder.
"Yes?" Obviously, I was trying to think of an excuse for him to stay.
"Wanna share this lot? I brought way too much for me to eat alone" I nodded down at the food.
"Sure but would you mind if I got to change first?" Loki nodded "These shoes are hurting my feet and I want to be in lazy clothes"
"Sure. It's number 20" I giggled.
"I won't be long" Loki smiled as we went into our buildings.

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