Chapter 7

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- Thalia's Pov -

I stared at the ceiling as I lay on the sofa. I was in shock, I just asked Loki out on a date. I asked someone out! I got a date for Friday! I did a little turtle dance. Waving my arms and legs in the air. Yes, I was acting like a schoolgirl that just got asked out by the most popular guy in school, Even if I was the one who asked him out.
"That means he might find out" I stared at my left hand. You see, while I know some of The Avengers via Chris. I also happened to be one of them. Sort of, I mean I work with them when they are in London so on a major technicality, I am an Avenger. Just didn't get asked to be one. I'm more of a part-time Avenger.

What I am most afraid of Loki finding out about, is my powers. You see, despite being female. I inherited the family 'Gift'. I have powers. I don't even know what my power is called. I can control anything and everything. I don't know. My Nanna and Paul are the only people who know that I have this power. My father believes that power only runs in boys. They all have their own powers (Since there are 5 boys. They all have an element each apart from Henry, He can control two) I don't want my power.
"Loki is going to flip out when he finds out I have powers" I sighed as I placed my phone on my chest. Maybe I should cancel the date. But I really like him. I only met him yesterday but I feel like I have known him for like years. And he is named after my favourite Norse God. I know his brother is an Avenger but I never see him. I feel like I am missing something. Though I can't worry about that. I have a date to think about.

I wonder where Loki and I are going to go on a date? I know I asked but I have no idea what to do on a date. I have never been on one. Do I wear something nice? Lazy wear? Or something in between? I should pick flats to wear. I can't walk in heels. I have the balance of Bambi on ice. I almost text Loki to ask about said date when I heard the front door open. I looked at my phone and it was midday.
"Hello?" I heard Chris call out. I composed myself fairly quickly and sat up. I looked Chris up and down. He looked rough "Don't even ask"
"Afternoon. Was going to ask how your night went but judging by last night's clothes and the obvious walk of shame, I don't need to" I climbed onto my knees and leaned over the back of the sofa. Chris grumbled something about me being a nosey mare and walked into the kitchen, stuck his head under the tap and turned it on "Oh my god. Use a cup!" I vaulted over the sofa, Put my phone in my back pocket and went to help Chris.
"What?! My mouth is dryer than Gandhi's flipflop" Chris gurgled. I sighed as I took a cup out of the cupboard. I went to where we keep the medicine and took out two paracetamol. I place them down on the counter "My head feels like a swarm of bees"
"Well you look great," I said sarcastically. I pulled Chris from under the tap, Sat him at the breakfast bar. Pushed the water and tablets toward him and told him to stay where he was.
"Yes Mum" He saluted before taking the tablets without water. I patted his head and walked off.

I went to where we keep the laundry and pulled out a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and went into the bathroom. I dumped the clothes on the shelf. I turned the shower on and made sure it was hot enough to summon the devil (Chris loves it like this) This wasn't the first time that I have had to baby Chris. I know the steps. Water, Tablets, Shower, Dressed and then sofa (And no, I don't help him in the shower or to get dressed)

I went back to the hungover man-child. He was pretty flat on the counter. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his wrist.
"Leave me to die on this counter" Chris grumbled as he dead-weighted, Refusing to move "I shall never again part take in the swallowing of booze!"
"That's what you said last week" I tugged on the man's arm, trying to pull him towards the shower. Chris growled at me "And you did that as well" I sighed again and dropped the arm "Shower now"
"No" Chris turned his head away. I put my hands on my hips "Leave me to die on this counter"
"If I tell you something juicy, Will you get in the shower?" I smiled. Chris rolled his head towards me.
"I'm listening" Chris gulped his water. Smirking, I bent at the waist.
"I got a date Friday night" I whispered in Chris's ear. I have never seen Chris jump up so quickly and run to the shower "Thalia 1, Chris 0" I grinned.

"Right, Tell me everything!" Chris said as he came running out of the shower. Furiously rubbing his hair with a towel "Who is the date with?"
"Well..." I tried to hide my glee.
"Spill the tea or beans. I don't care what the phrase is. Who are you going on a date with?" Chris threw the towel towards the laundry hamper. With very poor aim might I add.
"Okay, It's Loki" I licked my lips as I grinned, I focused on the counter in front of me.
"Oh my god!" Chris flapped around "So what happened after you left the party last night?" He asked. I then proceed to tell him everything (I left the kissing action out. I couldn't deal with Chris's fangirl screams again).

Once finished, I got up to make a snack. Chris stared at me, Looking dumbfounded.
"I ain't a mind reader" I then shut Chris's mouth for him "Speak your mind"
"You sort of are a mind reader.  A bad one but anyway, Can't change the subject... You invited Loki, back to this flat and you didn't..." Chris made a ring with one hand and penetrated it with his index finger on the other hand. While whistling "At all?"
"Nope. We ate food and watched Starwars" I went to the fridge "Want a sandwich while I am at it?"
"No. Once I get more gossip from you, I need to go to the tower and see my uncle. He is in town for a few weeks" Chris waved the bread away "I'll grab something from that little bakery on the corner"
"Sounds about right" I sighed as I got the ham out.
"So nothing happened between you and Loki?"
"Nope. Nothing" I lied. How could I tell my best friend that I made out with Loki without him going all high-pitched on me? Chris narrowed his eyes at me.
"You do know that technically, Last night was a date. You had food and watched a film together. Sort of like Netflix and chill but the clean version" Chris folded his arms at me.
"It was just the clean version. None of that naughty stuff happened"
"Hmmm. I'll believe you for now" Chris stood up "Be right back. Need to take leek" Chris grinned as he walked off.
"I believe Tescos won't let you do that without a free ride to the police station" I shouted after Chris. I didn't hear a word he said and he mumbled. Think he was complaining about my bad joke.
I heard my phone go off in my pocket. I put the butter knife down, Wiped my hands on my leggings and picket it up. I smiled as I saw the name on the screen.
Loki: Sorry for the yelling from my place. I got my results back from the old hag I rolled my eyes.
Me: I don't hear any screaming. I take it that you passed?
Loki: Yes I did. Fully qualified Lawyer.
Me: Congratulations on surviving how many years with the old hag!! I grinned as I put my phone down and went on to finish my sandwich.

Chris came back in and he seemed to be less hungover before "Go and wash your hands" I pointed to the sink.
"How do you know these things?" Chris flinched. He then washed his hands *Ping**Ping* "oohhh!! Someones popular"
"Just wash your hands" I spoke as I picked my phone back up "It's Nanna. She doesn't need my help today" The other was from Loki saying would a movie and then dinner be okay for the date. I replied that it sounds great. I put my phone in my pocket.
"Yes, mum. So since Nanna doesn't need you. Fancy meeting up for around 7 tonight? I am in the mood for Tacos" Chris dried his hands. I sighed as I took a bite of my sandwich. I tilted my head at my best friend "I won't take you near him"
"Him, I can handle" I spoke with a mouthful. I then looked at my hands "I just don't want to lose control. Again"
"It will be fine. Tony will help cover it up like he did last time. It's why he created the Hoover act for heroes" Chris put his hands on my shoulders "He who shall not be named can kiss my boot if he comes near you"
"I could always turn him into an ant so you can squish him" I chuckled.
"Can you even do that with your powers?" Chris patted my shoulders as he went over to the sofa.
"Would love to find out" I smiled as I opened my hand fully and made a ballerina out of ice "Not to sound like a certain Disney film but it is getting harder to conceal this power"
"Might be a city thing. Banner's the same" Chris sat on the back of the sofa "Are you really going to move halfway across the world?"
"I have to. To keep my Nanna and Paul safe. And you. I nearly blasted you out the window the other day because you freaked me out" I didn't want to leave London. I did love this place and I have possibly met someone.
"You just need training. Maybe your folks could help"
"Really? Dear old dad thinks that the boys are the only ones with this 'Gift'. I told mum that I passed my uni course and all I got back was 'And? Your brothers have already done that? What good are you?' My Nanna and Paul are the only ones who know about this thing. Nanna can't train me"
"Maybe the Avengers can. You are technically one of them. I can see if Tony can get Wanda here or take us to them if you want?" I wolfed down the rest of my sandwich.
"What I want is to crawl into bed and sleep" I made a glass of water and walked away from the kitchen. I started walking towards my room *Ping**Ping*
"If you are going to sleep, Make sure your phone is on silent. I'll lock the door on my way out" Chris nodded at me "Later's bestie"
"Later's bestie" I waved at Chris as I shut my door.

After placing the drink on the bedside table, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flopped onto my bed. Loki had texted me twice.
Loki: Save me. My brother is driving me up the wall!
Loki: Not to sound like a creep or be too forward but I can't get our kiss out of my head I blushed at this comment.
Me: Me neither. After you left, I went to bed feeling happy.
Loki: Me too. I've never felt like this. It seems so odd
Me: I know. I feel like I have known you forever
Loki: What time do you have to meet Prudence? Maybe I could walk you to meet her?
Me: Yeah, About that. I don't have to. For some reason, She bailed on me today so I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day :) I kept seeing the 3 little dots pop up on the screen. I then heard the front door slam shut.
Loki: Would you like to go out to lunch? Just to Wetherspoons? My treat. Be like an unofficial date? I stared at the screen and then at the phone's clock. it was only 1 in the afternoon.
Me: You do know that last night was a date. Technically. According to my roommate anyway
Me: And yes, I would love lunch I saw the 3 little dots again.
Loki: Really? Great. Meet you downstairs in an hour?
Me: Sounds great. See you soon :) I put my phone on charge and stared at my ceiling. I then bolted upright. I need to make a good impression. Scrambling out of bed. I got to work on finding an outfit. I had thought of messaging Chris for help but he would be worse than Gok Wan on that wedding dress show.

Where are my black jeans? Did I put them in the wash? Nope, they are on the floor. They don't smell. Should I straighten my hair? Where are my straighteners? Under my bed? Nope, They are on my dresser. I could straighten my hair and then put it half up, half down. That seems okay. Do I need makeup? No. I don't know why I said that, I hate makeup. Hmmm... I don't know what to wear! It's like 30 degrees outside. I could wear my yellow flowy dress but I haven't shaved my legs. I look like Chewbacca. Where's that tight grey vest top? Ah, there it is.

I spent the next half an hour straightening my hair. I knew I should not have bothered, My arm is killing me. I then spent the next 15 minutes put into a half-up ponytail. I got dressed and grabbed my bag and my black jacket. I put my phone in it. I had 10 minutes left so I got a glass of water. I was nervous. I don't know why. Loki's already seen me glammed up and in my sloth state. This outfit was casual sloth at best.

I finished my water, grabbed my keys and walked out my door. I took everything I had not to skip down the stairs. I don't know why but Loki was becoming someone that I never wanted to let go of.

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