Chapter 21

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- Thalia's Pov -

I don't want to leave these puppies. I want them all! Maybe when I go to Eygpt, I can adopt a dog or two. At least that way, I wouldn't be alone. I wish Loki could come with me. We've only been dating a short while but he is one of my best friends.

Even before we started dating, We stopped at each other's flats when the other was alone. We spoke every day on the phone, Talked on the balcony. Went shopping together. It was like we have known each other for hours.

I remember one night out, Loki took me to this Jazz club last month, and I couldn't help but dance to the music. I stopped when a slow song came on, Everyone paired off but when I saw Loki just sitting there, I had to pull him in for a dance.
"I do not dance," He told me. I rolled my eyes.
"Stop being silly. Everyone can dance if they found the right partner" As we got onto the dancefloor, Loki looked at me and pulled me closer to him. His arm snaked around my waist, His palm resting on the small of my back. He took my right hand in his and we swayed together. I sighed as I rest her head on his chest, Sighing with contentment and hearing his heartbeat. I felt his head resting on top of mine. I already knew I was in love with him but this moment just confirmed it even more.

While being smothered but fur, I decided that when I got back to the flat, I would ring my mother and tell her about my plans and maybe about Loki. Of course, I would leave out the part about him being a God. I would never hear the end of it, They would have a field day when they found out that I was marrying him. All because he has a royal title..

Be the only time my family would be proud of me.

Once Loki got back from the loo, He had to carry me out of the puppy pen. I would have used my powers to get free but there were too many people around.
"Loki put me down!" I squealed, Trying to wiggle out of his strong grip.
"Are you going to run back to the puppies?" Loki looked over his shoulder.
"..... no"
"It is not wise to lie to me" Loki growled.
"And what are you going to do about it?" I tried to call his bluff. Loki smirked as he ducked into an alleyway and move us behind those really large bins. the ones that bad guys hid bodies in.
"Read my mind" He dropped me gently to the floor.
"I don't want to" I whispered. In a blur of motion, Loki spun me around forcefully and pressed me against the wall. As I bit my lip, Loki leaned over me and brought his mouth down to my ear.
"I'm going to punish you"
"Bring it on" I smirked as I smashed my lips against his. Loki pulled away and waved his hands. I knew he had conjured a projection so we wouldn't get caught.
"As you wish my lady" He growled.

Once back at the flat, Loki went to make some tea as I sat on the edge of my sofa. I took a deep breath as I unlocked my phone and dialled the desired number. I was pulling bits of rubble out of my hair when the phone rang.
"Thalia, What do you want?" The person on the other side answered after a few long rings.
"Hello, mother, it's nice to hear you too" My tone was firm and didn't give away any disappointment. And people wonder why I don't talk to these people.
"Skip the small talk, please, I'm quite busy" The voice of my mother was impatient.
"Fine. Would you have time this week for a cup of coffee?" I have to try with my family. Even if they were a 5 hour's drive away.
"I already told you that I'm busy. I have a wedding to plan. And since when do you want to meet up for a coffee with me?"
"I want to tell you something" I rolled my eyes. Loki had come over to the sofa, with two cups of tea. I whispered thanks as he sat down next to me.
"Can't you just tell me on the phone since we are already talking?" She pressed.
"I'd rather tell you in person" I tapped my fingers on the desk.
"Oh for God's sake, Thalia, just tell me"
"Fine. I am moving out of London. I thought you might want to know" I blurted quickly, not expecting exactly rainbows and fireworks.
"You're coming home?" I could hear the disapproval in my Mother's voice "Charles. I think Thalia is coming home" Father said something that I will be sleeping in the garage if I did.
"No, I ain't coming home" I hissed through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm "I'm moving to Egypt in a few weeks"
"Why? What good will you be out there?" I heard my mother scoff.
"I passed my uni course. I applied for a job in Cairo so I will be of some use" I pinched my nose.

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