Chapter 41

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- Thalia's Pov -

4:47 AM

Great, Morning sickness, I have been pregnant for a whole 5 minutes and I wish it would stop now. I grip the toilet as another bout of nausea hits me.
"Why does this have to be a thing while pregnant?" I muttered as I wipe my mouth "With all the modern medicine in the world, You would have thought there was a cure for morning sickness"
"Thalia?" Oh good, I woke Loki up. Again "Thalia, you alright?" I squint up at him from my spot on the floor, hunched over the toilet bowl. I give him a half-smile.
"I think the baby is trying to kill me" I groaned. Loki sinks onto the ground beside me and brushes my hair away from my sweaty forehead "I see why people say women glow during pregnancy. It's from the sweat of throwing up"
"I still think you look beautiful" Loki rubbed my back. I cringe as another wave of nausea rolls through me, but, mercifully, nothing happens. I lean against the toilet.
"I didn't mean to wake you up" I mumble.
"Leave it to you to worry about me while you are puking your guts out" He lets out a huff of laughter, and runs his hand across my back in slow, soothing circles "How long have you been in here?"
"Not long" I then make a face as nausea rolls through me again, then lean back over the toilet. Loki holds my hair back with one hand, continuing the slow, calming movements across my back with the other "You don't have to sit in with me" I said when I was finally done.
"I do believe that one line in our vows is 'In sickness and in health'" Loki tilted his head at me.
"Only you would find a technicality in this debacle" I scoff. I was about to say something horribly corny when my stomach folds in on itself again "This is getting old" How is there even anything left in my stomach?
"How can I help?" He asks as I sit back again, slumping back against the bathtub.
"I need to brush my teeth" Loki rises, and turns to help me up off the floor. (I move slowly; no need to further agitate my stomach) "Can you go to the kitchens and get to make me some tea please" I flushed the loo and sat on the seat.
"I was reading last night and it is said avoiding caffeine might help with morning sickness. It also said exhaustion could trigger nausea too, are you sure you're getting enough sleep?"
"You've been researching morning sickness?" I grin at him as I get ready to brush my teeth.
"Urm, I might have been doing some research" His cheeks were tinted. Her smile softens, and she reaches up to cup his cheek "Fine. I was reading about pregnancy websites. Not had a chance to get any books. I thought to myself that since I was a part of making this baby so I might as well try and help in some sort of way" I looked sideways at Loki.
"You are the sweetest. You know that?" His eyes dance away, his cheeks growing redder now "What did that website suggest?" Loki hesitates, trying to gauge whether or not I still joking.
"Cold food, ginger, prenatal vitamins, small meals throughout the day, fresh air, avoiding tea and coffee, getting plenty of sleep" Loki lists as I rest a hand on the non-existent swell of my stomach.
"Pretty high maintenance for such a little bean, huh, taking away my morning caffeine fix" I joked.
"In the meantime, why don't we get you back to bed and I'll get you some breakfast. It's still early, you don't need to be up yet"
"That sounds like a plan" I smiled. Loki grabs both my hands and walked backwards out of the bathroom. Guiding me back to bed.
"You know, it's still a little early for breakfast. Maybe you should come back to bed for a little longer?" Loki lets out a huff of laughter and allows me to pull him back into the bed. I curl into him, tucking myself under his arm, and rested my head against his shoulder. My face is in my happy place "I love you" I sigh, pressing a drowsy kiss to his neck. Loki runs his fingers through my hair as my breathing slows.
"I love you too" His hand then wanders down to my stomach "And I love this little one"

I thought it best to leave Loki at the flat while I went to see my Nanna and Paul. They were back working at the bookstore. I looked through the window to see they were dancing together.
"I hope I am doing the right thing by leaving" I took a deep breath in, placing my shaking hand on the handle. I opened the door.

"TALLY!" She squeals as she runs over to me, Embracing me in a hug.
"Nanna, I wish you would stop calling me that" I squeezed back. Secretly glad that she never stopped and I pray that she never does.
"Sure" Nanna smiled. I gave Paul a quick hug who had to nip into the back room "So what brings you here? And where is your bodyguard?"
"He is dealing with some work thing and I wanted to invite you two to the last meal I will ever be having at my flat tonight"
"Course we will be there" Nanna grinned "Would you like a cup of tea? And a biscuit? Or maybe two?"
"Sounds lovely nanna" I nodded.
"Ok, love. I'll just be a few. Watch the floor for me" Nanna toddled off as I went over to the register. I really am going to miss this place.

After dinner, I sat on the sofa with Nanna, Paul, Thor, Chris, Loki and myself. Paul was sitting in the armchair while sat Loki, Thor and Chris were battling it out on the switch. They were playing Super Smash Bros.
"Hey, Batter up" Chris screamed as his character, Fox McCloud, smashed Loki's Sonic, out of sight "Take that!"
"Right, Revenge for my baby Bro!" Thor belted out as his character Kirby ate Chris's Fox "Nom nom nom" Kirby spat Loki's character off the map.
"My Bro!" Loki high-fived Thor. This didn't last long as Kirby ate Sonic and spat him out the map "Hey! You betrayed me, I thought we were a team"
"Nom nom nom" Thor boasted. I started laughing. Once that match had finished, I looked at Loki and we both nodded.
"Hey, Can you all shut it for a moment?" Loki yelled. My face dropped as Chris paused the game.
"I was about to kill him!" Thor pointed to the screen.
"Sure. You can do that afterwards" I waved him off. I stood up and went in front of the TV "I, Well, We, Have an announcement"
"Who did you kill?" Paul had poor confusion visible on his face.
"Is that the first thing you can think of, Every time they try to tell us something?" Nanna poked Paul in the arm "Sweetheart, Continue" Nanna smiled at Me. I turned to Loki.
"Thanks, We..." I looked at Loki again. He reached for my hand.
"We, urm"
"Just spit it out" Chris bellowed.
"We're expecting a baby" I beamed. Nanna's mouth dropped. Paul was grinning. Thor looked like he was about to faint. Chris handed Paul 10 quid "Chris, Why did you hand Paul a tenner"
"When you two first started, I bet him a tenner that you would be pregnant in a year" Paul rolled his eyes.
"Paul!" I stared at him in surprise. I felt my hands heat up.
"Thalia, Chill" Nanna put her hand on my shoulder. I thought she was going to flip but she didn't. Instead, She smiled at the two of us, Standing up and wrapping her arms around both of us "Congrats" She murmured as she hugged Loki as well.
"Thank you, Prudence" Loki whispered. I looked over at Chris, He was still in shock on the floor so I went over and waved my hand in front of him and then sat next to him.

"You okay there?" I shoulder-bumped him.
"So that midget in there is why you were throwing up?" Chris pointed to my stomach.
"Yep," I nodded.
"He knocked you up?" Chris pointed to Loki.
"There's a bun cooking in that oven?"
"Yes," I rolled my eyes.
"You're preggers? Soon to be a walking planet?" Chris smiled. I pinched my nose as Chris came up with so many ways to say that I am pregnant.
"Yes. I don't know how many times you need to say it but I am with child. You are going to be an uncle"
"I'm going to be an Uncle?" He whispered. I had a grin from ear to ear.
"Yes you are"
"I'm going to be an Uncle!" He started to cheer. he stopped and pointed at me "Who are the Godfathers?" I did a side-eye towards Loki. He simply nodded.
"Well, I was thinking of asking Barton" I looked at my nails. I heard Loki stifle a laugh.
"Oh hell no" Chris shot up to his feet. Thor had also come over. Looking pretty angry.
"What about me? I am not to be considered for this role?" Thor frowned. Loki was standing next to us.
"Well we did but then we thought Fandral would make a good one" Loki joked. Going along with my joke.
"Since when!" Thor exclaimed. He and Chris tried arguing with us. Nanna and Paul were laughing behind us all. Chris kept looking behind him, Staring at them.
"Okay, have we missed something? Why are you two laughing?" Chris stamped his feet.
"Chris, You do realise that Loki is The God Of Mischief and Tally is going to be The Goddess Of Mischief?" Paul giggled. Chris looked confused. Only for a moment before his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Thor then face-planted.
"They were joking" Thor sighed heavily. Glaring at us both.
"Come on, What did you expect?" Loki grinned and did his classic Loki pose. You know, The one where he holds his arms out to the side. Thor pinched his nose "Darling, Before Thor bursts a blood vessel, Should we tell them the other news?" Loki hugged my waist.
"What other news?" Thor demanded.
"So here's the thing" I held up my left hand "We engaged!" Everyone started squealing. Chris was the only one who groaned and hand another tenner to Thor.
"What was the bet?" I folded my arms.
"Engaged within a year" Chris grumbled.
"I said that you shouldn't make bets with me. Especially when I get told everything" Thor waved his hands out the side.
"You do realise that you will need to tell your parents" Nanna held my hand. I flung my head back and groaned "Tally"
"Sorry but my parents disowned me. Do I have to tell them? I hate them" I sulked.
"Sweetie. While I too hate them, They need to know" Loki wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.
"Besides, It's not like they will ever meet the nugget, you'll be in another country" Chris sighed.
"Just think about it" Nanna squeezed my hand.
"I'll think about it" I sighed as I heard Chris and Thor being, Well them. Nanna shook her head and went to check the food in the oven. I looked over at Loki. I moved to be by his side.

Once in his arms. I buried my face in his chest. And I think I started crying. Damn hormones!
"Hey, What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He cupped my cheeks and brushed off the tear that escaped and was running down my face.
"I'm just happy" I wiped my face.
"Me too" Loki beamed and hugged me tightly. His hand hovering over a non-existent bump "I'm happy that I have you both in my life"
"Group Hug!" Thor shouted, Motioning for everyone. Loki and I looked at each other. They all ran to the two of us and basically squashed us.

Once everyone had left, I unlocked her phone and stared at my mother's phone number.
"This is going to end one way" I muttered.
"It will be fine. Just rip the band off. Do you want a cuppa?"
"Please" I smiled softly. Loki patted my knee, Stood up and went into the kitchen. I dialled my mother's number. Putting it on speaker "Here we go"

"Thalia, What is going on?" Mother finally answered after a few long rings.
"Hello, mother, it's nice to hear you too" My tone was firm and didn't give away any disappointment. This was a bad idea.
"Thalia, what do want? I'm quite busy, I do have a wedding to finalize" My mother sounded impatient.
"Yeah, I remember. You planned to have it on my birthday" I sighed.
"Your birth meant nothing to me, I never celebrated it and never will. I may as well have something worth remembering for that day. So what do you want?"
"I have a couple of things to tell you" I rolled my eyes.
"Like what?" Loki had come into the room with two cups of tea. I whispered thanks "Spit it out, child?" She pressed.
"I.. urm... I urm..." I tapped my fingers on the arm of the sofa.
"Oh for God's sake, Thalia, just tell me"
"Fine. Loki and I are expecting a baby" I blurted out quickly, not expecting exactly rainbows and fireworks.
"Are far along are you?"
"A few weeks but since I am leaving for my new job tomorrow night, I thought you might want to know"
"And you are still together with that... person" I could hear the disapproval in her voice.
"Yes, Loki and I are also engaged" I hissed through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm.
"Which is something I don't understand. John was a perfectly good man and now you're going to pregnant with another man's child?"
"That's the only thing you are taking from this? That I ain't getting back with that creep"
"Loki may be a God but he will soon tire of you. You're mortal after all. Did you ever consider that he will outlive you and your... fetus? How could you do that to someone? And you call me heartless"
"Baby, Mother. It's a baby" I snapped.
"Well whatever it will be, It's not too late to terminate your pregnancy and relationship. If you did then your father and I would welcome you back into the family" Mother said calmly. Loki went to open his mouth but I quickly covered his mouth.
"Fuck your family. I have a new one. One that you will never get your grubby hands on. I will be a better mum than you ever were"
"Thalia, come now. You know I am telling the truth"
"Like hell you are! You're a jealous old crank. I would rather die than get back with John and as for your suggestion to terminate my child. Get fucked. And I hope I have a girl, She will never know the pain of being part of your stupid outdated family!" I was raising my voice, the calmness leaving me fast.
"Why did you even bother to call me?"
"I thought that you would be happy for me" I sighed. Loki gripped my hand. He squeezed it tightly. Letting me know that he is here for me.
"You can't expect me to lie. But you're an adult, do what you want, you never listen to me anyway"
"Oh Well. Can't say I didn't try" I snapped at her.
"Then this is goodbye. I'll be sure to tell my sweet boys and your father the news" Mother said as she ended the call. I wrapped my arms around my legs as I let a tear roll down her cheek.
"Come here" Loki pulled me into his embrace "I'm sorry about that. Anything I can do to make you feel better?" Loki whispered into my ear.
"Just hug me" I turned in his arms and smiled at him, My eyes still wet.
"Okay," Loki smiled at me too and just pressed me to his chest, hugging me tightly and placing a soft kiss on my hair "By the way. I will never tire of you"
"You will when I am old and grey" I scoffed as I sniffed.
"There is a solution"
"There is?" I wiped my face.
"Yeah. Well two to be precise" Loki held up two fingers "1, You come to Asgard and eat this disgusting fruit from mother's garden, it will grant you a long life with me"
"And the second?"
"I give up being a god"

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